chapter 16

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(Morgan's pov)

"Lou! it hurts!"I shouted

"what's wrong?"he asked paniced

"I don't know I hurt thow."

"is the baby growing?"

"No."I put my hands to my sides and griped the sheets in pain.Lou rushed to my side.

"Morgan the sheets are wet?"

"Lou I...I..I think my water broke!"

"Harry,Niall,Liam!get in hear now!"Louis yelled Harry ran in same with Liam and Niall.

"what is it?"Niall asked scaredly

"Morgan's water broke."

"Harry call Leah now!"

"on it."he said

"w..who is L...Leah?"I asked

"she's a doctor honey."

"so she knows what we are?"

"yes she's a vampire too don't worrie."

"ok....ahhhhhh Louis I...I ahhhhh."I couldn't take it any more the pain.

"Leah's here!"harry shouted

"you must be Mr and Mrs Tomlinson?"Leah asked

"yes we are."Lou said

"ok know Morgan I need you to take off your sweat pants and spread your leg out so I can check on the baby to see is he/she is ready to come out ok?"

"ok."I wenced in pain louis helped me out of my sweat pants I spread my legs for her.

"ok now you have dilated 7 centimeters. you are almost ready to have the baby."she said

"oh god Louis I'm scareder then ever dose it hurt?will I get strech marks?"

"Morgan don't worrie I'm here for you so is niall,liam,harry even zayn."I grabed Louis' hand and squeezed it the pain was hard.Leah came back and checked me I'm now 9 centimeters more centimeter.

"ahhhhhh!"I yelled tears are about to burst out of me. 10 minutes later Leah came back she checked I'm now 10 centimeters.

"ok Morgan your ready to push."she said Lou held my hand niall held my left leg and liam held my right leg.

"now Morgan I'm going to count to three and your going to push ok?"I shook my head yes

"1-2-3 push." I pushed

"ahhhhhhhh!"I screamed

"ok again 1-2-3 push."I pushed..then I heard the little cry of a and Louis' baby.

"congradulation you had a baby......

what should the baby be a boy or girl? comment/vote

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