March 1st 1972 (part 2)

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March 1st, 1972 (continued)

Today was a really bad day at school! First I went on the bus and these three kids were teasing me. Their names were Joey, Patty, and Sidney. They said my whole family is full of crazy people! They kept asking me why my grandma and grandpa don't sit on the patio in the mornings while I wait for the bus anymore. They also said they heard about my dad being killed in jail, but they don't know who the killer is. They don't know it's me.

I got really mad. "My family is not crazy!! You're crazy!" I told them.

They kept teasing me. I started to cry. Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around, it was mommy! How did she get on the bus?

"These kids will not bother you anymore." She whispered in my ear. The kids are acting like mommy is not even there. They act like they don't see her!

Suddenly, the windows on the bus opened and the three kids were pushed out the window with a force, like they did it by themselves! The bus was going really fast down the highway and the kids fell out the windows. I looked out the window and the three kids hit the road really, REALLY hard, and there was a lot of blood on the street. Then they kept getting run over by cars.

"Mommy! Why did you do that!" I started to cry. Patty, Joey and Sidney were mean to me but I never wanted them to get killed!

My stomach is hurting right now. I don't know what to do. I'm scared.

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