Jacksepticeye x Reader. Cake and cookies

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You sighed as you listened to you're boyfriend yell at his computer. "No! Grr-FUCK!" He yelled and you heard him smack the desk.

You frowned softly and sighed. You knew he was going to be frustrated and he would need you to calm him down.

You grinned as you thought of a brilliant idea. You quickly whipped up a batch of cookies for him. You made his favorite kind and you heard him do his out to as you pulled the last batch out of the oven.

You smiled as you heard him thump through the house with heavy footsteps, the smell of cookies filling the air.

He entered the kitchen and grinned, running over and kissing you. "You know how to make me happy, and I love it." He whispered and spun you around.

You laughed softly and reached over, grabbing a cookie and putting it in his mouth.

He grabbed it while biting off the bit in his mouth. "Thank you love, you make amazing cookies." He complimented and kissed your cheek.

"Thank you sweetie." You smiled and rubbed his back as he ate. "I could hear you yelling and I figured this would help." You said and blushed a bit.

"You're so cute, and correct." He smiled and finished his cookie while hugging you.

"I love you Y/n." He smiled and held you close.

"I love you too Sean." You smiled and kissed him softly.

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