It Was Just An Accident

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Cat's P.O.V

I took a deep breath and stepped out of my car. I walked up to Tori's house, and rang the doorbell. I pulled my phone out of my jeans pocket, and checked for a text. ''Hey! Come in!'' Tori said excitedly.

I walked inside, and was greeted by Andre, Jade, and Beck. 

''So Robbie's on his way, and then we can get going to the Roller Rink in Venice.'' Tori said.

I took a sip of water, just as Robbie walked through the door. ''Hey, sorry I'm late.'' he apologized, walking over to me and sitting next to me. ''Now that we're all here, Cat said she had something to tell us....?'' Tori said, looking over at me.

I slid out of Robbie's touch, and rose to my feet. I stood in the middle of the room. I looked over at Jade, who was snuggled in Beck's arms next to Tori.

I took a deep breath. ''You guys.'' I started in a low tone. I felt myself choke up. ''I'm 5 weeks along.'' I finally said.

Tori's hand flew to her mouth, and Robbie's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Andre was just shaking his head. I glanced over at Jade and she had a blank expression. Same for Beck.

I looked to Robbie. His face had gone pale. Everyone was upset with me, I know. It's going to be hard to have a boyfriend, and a baby that isn't his.

''A-Are you sure, Cat?'' Tori asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

''Yes. My mom took me to the doctor this morning. It's official.'' I told her, with tears in my eyes. She put her arms around me, and embraced me in a hug.

''I-It's Ryder's?'' Jade asked, walking over to Tori and I. 

I nodded. 

Robbie had his head in his hands. I know this is really hard on him. Hopefully he'll help me raise a child that isn't his. Although I won't force him to. 

I would totally understand if he wants to break up with me. But I love Robbie, and I'd die if something happened to our relationship. 

I glanced over at Robbie. Andre, and Beck were surrounding him. ''Eh, you okay Rob?'' Beck asked. 

He didn't answer. I started to get worried. Is he okay?! 

I slid out of Tori's grip, and slowly approached him. I put my hand on his shoulder. He was shaking. 

''Robbie?'' I said softly. No answer. ''Is he okay?!'' Tori asked, concerned. ''Think we need to call an ambulance.'' Andre suggested. 

''Mom! Dad!'' Tori screamed, running up the stairs. 

Within a few seconds, Tori's mom and dad were in the living room. ''Robbie, can you hear me?'' David Vega said, with panick in his voice. 

I started to cry, and Jade wrapped her arms around me.


We were still waiting for Robbie to be stable enough so we can go see him. I was so worried. I had sent him into shock, and I feel so bad. I thought he was strong enough to handle it. But not all people are. 

''You okay, Cat?'' Tori asked, rubbing my back. I nodded, and put my head down. ''Don't worry, Lil Red. Rob's strong, he'll pull through this.'' Andre assured me. 

I took a deep breath, and looked up, when I heard the doctor's voice. ''Well, Robbie is fine now, but we're not sure what else could send him into shock, so I'd be careful with what I say if I were you.'' He told us. 

''Can we go visit him?'' I asked, softly. 

''You may.'' the doctor replied before walking away. I quickly got up, and walked down the hall to Robbie's room. 

He was awake. 

''Robbie?'' I spoke softly. 

I sat on the edge of his bed, and placed my hand on his cheek. ''I'm so sorry, Robbie. I didn't mean to-'' 

''Cat.'' he cut off my sentence. ''I'm not upset with you. It's okay. It was just an accident.'' he assured. 

I placed a light kiss on his lips, and pulled away.

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