It's Just A Bump In The Road

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---- 2 MONTHS LATER ----

Robbie's P.O.V 

We were all just sitting in Tori's living room, chatting. I took a sip of my Wahoo Punch, and joined in on the conversation. 

I glanced at Cat's stomach. She was just starting to show. The tiniest little bit. It disgusted me, everytime I looked, because it brought Ryder to my mind. I switched my attention back to the conversation. 

''So I was thinking we could all get together later on today to plan our trip to Sacramento. It'll take us about 8 hours to get there from L.A. But knowing the way Robbie drives, it'll take him and Cat around 6.'' Tori glared at me. 

We had a small laugh, and continued planning. ''We've got 3 more days to get everything set. We need to start shopping today, and get our bags packed tonight.'' Tori told us. 

----- FRIDAY NIGHT -----

Cat's P.O.V 

I handed Robbie my first suitcase and watched as he put it in the trunk. ''You okay, Cat?'' he asked, breaking the silence. I sighed. ''Yes, I'm fine. Just a little tired.'' I could tell by the look on his face, that he really didn't believe me. 

He reached behind me, and picked up my last suitcase. He put it inside the trunk, and gave me the keys to open the door. I put the key in the passenger side's keyhole, and turned it. I gave Robbie back the keys, and carefully got inside the car. 

Robbie got in on his side, and drove off to Tori's, where we'd all meet before we started the drive to Sacramento. When we arrived in front of her house, everyone was outside, including Tori's parents, and Trina. 

Robbie and I got out of the car. I watched as Tori kissed her mom and dad goodbye, and Andre put her bags in the trunk of his car. 

''Okay, so does everyone have full tanks so we don't have to stop for a while?'' Jade asked. 

I glanced at Robbie, as he nodded, and looked down at me. Tori threw her arms in the air. ''Yeah! Let's get this show on the road to Sacramento, California!'' she screamed excitedly. 

We all began to get in the car. Robbie helped me inside, and closed the door behind me. He then went over to Beck to discuss what route they were going to take to Sacramento. I watched as Robbie walked back to the car, and got in. 

''Ready to go, Cat?'' Robbie asked me. I faked a smile, and nodded. I knew that he knows that smile was fake, but he just sighed and didn't say anything more. 

''Cat.'' he began. ''Tell me what's bothering you.'' I tried to pretend that I didn't know what he was talking about, but he really didn't buy my lies. 

I took a deep breath. ''I guess I'm just nervous about having Ryder's child. I don't want to get he or she aborted, because I know that's wrong. But I just don't know what to do. My parents didn't react how I thought they would, but that doesn't mean that they aren't upset.'' I told Robbie, whilst choking up a little bit. 

I grabbed a tissue out of my bag and wiped my eyes. 

''Cat. Everything will be fine, okay? I'll be there every step of the way, and so will our friends. You don't have anything to worry about, sweetheart.'' Robbie assured. 

A few hours later, Robbie, and Beck pulled into the gas station. Where's Tori & Andre? I saw Beck and Jade get out of the car, and walk over to us. ''Where's Andre?'' Jade asked. ''I don't know. Cat, can you ring them?'' Robbie asked me. I nodded, and pulled out my phone. 

Robbie and Beck went over to fill up, while Jade stood next to me. Just before I could dial Tori's number, I saw Andre pull into the gas station. Andre and Tori got out, and Tori slowly walked over to Jade and I. 

''I'm so excited you guys. Only a few more hours til Sacramento!'' Tori exclaimed. I nodded, and Jade had a disgusted look on her face. ''Cat, you've been so quiet lately, what's wrong?'' Tori asked, suspiciously. I didn't want to draw attention to myself, and I also didn't want Tori to know, because she'd tell our friends and I didn't want everyone to know. 

''What are you talking about? I'm fine.'' I assured Tori, while slowly backing away. I quickly hurried over to Robbie. He finished filling up the car, and went inside to pay. 

I quickly got in the car, trying my best to avoid Tori. Robbie came out of the place, and got in. 

I was starting to get tired, so as soon as we got back on the road, I quickly fell asleep. 

Robbie's P.O.V 

I glanced over, and saw Cat asleep. I was really getting worried about her, and how much she could take of all this pressure on her shoulders. I'm going to be there for her every step of the way. 

I saw Andre, and Beck in my rearview mirror. I was suprised they could keep up, depending on how fast I'm driving. 

A couple more hours later, I pulled into a parking space at the hotel in Sacramento. Cat was awake by now. 

---- 1 HOUR LATER ----

Everyone was sitting in Tori & Andre's hotel room, having a conversation. Jade was snuggled up into Beck, and Cat was lying across my lap, on the sofa. 

''So I was thinking we could check out some of Sacramento's teen clubs or something maybe?'' Jade suggested. 

''I don't know. I mean, we just got here today. I don't think we should-'' Tori's sentence was interrupted, by Cat jumping up, and sprinting to the bathroom. 

The first thought that came to me. What is going on. Jade and Tori hurriedly got up, and rushed down the hall of the huge hotel room to bathroom. Beck, Andre, and I exchanged looks. I quickly got up, and headed down the hall, to where Jade, and Tori were standing outside the bathroom door. 

Tori and Jade were trying to convince Cat to open the door. I felt anger inside of me, because I hated seeing Cat like this, and only Ryder was the one that did this to her. 

---- LATER ----

Cat was sitting on my lap, with her head rested on my shoulder. She was fast asleep. ''I think we should go out tonight. Carly, Sam, and Freddie should be here in Sacramento now. They left a day before we did, because they're coming all the way from Seattle.'' Tori said. Jade looked at her, and threw her hands up. 

''That's what I said earlier, Vega!'' Jade said, laughing. Tori smiled at her. I looked down at my watch. It's only 7, we could deal with that. 

Andre was sprawled out on the bed, sleeping while the rest of us were up talking. 

''See if you can ring one of them, babe.'' Beck said, to Jade. She nodded, and picked up her cell phone. 

I looked down, and saw Cat resting. She looked so pretty when she was asleep. There was a small knock on the hotel room door. 

''I wonder who that is.'' Tori said, getting off of the sofa and walking over to the door. 

Tori swung the door open, revealing Carly, Sam, and Freddie. By the time, everyone but Cat, and I finished the meet & greet at the door, Andre was awake by all of the noise. 

Cat was still asleep, thankfully. I don't want to see her get sick again. 

''So are we going out to Teen Paradise tonight? I hear its awesome!'' Carly exclaimed. ''I think we should. Let's say everyone be ready by 8?'' Tori said. 

We all agreed, and everyone stood from their seats. I gently shook Cat and woke her up. 

We walked down the long hallway to our hotel room, and so did the rest of the gang. I opened the door for her, and she walked inside. 

''Everyone decided we were gonna go to this teen club called Teen Paradise at 8. You feeling okay to go?'' I asked her, still holding her hand. 

She nodded, and dropped my hand. She walked over to her suitcase. 

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