showing around// 2

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Suddenly I remember who this tall boy was...

"LOUIS!" I ran towards him and forced him into a bear hug, I suddenly felt two strong arms wrap around my body. Louis was my most favourite cousin in the world, And my only friend!

But both our mums got into a big fight, and they moved across the globe far away from us. My mother passed away about a year after they moved from cancer. Me and my dad don't talk about her as much as we should. My dad still isn't over it even though it was so long ago.

As I let my arms go around Louis' shoulders I looked up to see the biggest smile on Louis face, man I've missed that smile so much.


After Louis and the two little versions of him showed me around their house and showed me my room, (I also found out the little kids names were Daisy and Austin) Aunty Katy sent Daisy and Austin to bed. Louis and I stayed in his room and played video games which I was terrible at but I tried. Since I was getting sick of losing at Mario kart Louis turned on some boring movie which I couldn't care less of the name and I instantly fell in a deep sleep.


A/N HOLLAA ITS ME AGAIN So im just dong random names so yahh tysm for reading if u are cause ily BTW sorry its short the next one will be really long i promise not like anyone cares haha

Exchange Student // Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now