First Class //5

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The principle showed me around the school and gave me a map of the school which the classes were labelled on it as well I bet ya ill still get lost. "So Carrie hope you know your way around, if you have any problems just come to my office or if you get lost. The bells going to ring soon so I'll let you get a head start to getting to your first class It's that way" he pointed in the direction of my science class "Yup Thanks" I spoke starting to walk off to my next class "G7...I think it's this way?" I mumbled to myself walking to god knows were

Then the bell rung "Fxck ill never find it now" I mumbled starting to walk a bit faster so I wasn't stuck in a swarm of teenagers "G7 I think this is it.." I opened the door and walked to the teacher "Um Hi I'm Carrie I'm the new exchange student I think this is my science class.. umm" I spoke trying to be as loud as I could but I think it still came out like a mumble "ah yes hi Carrie I'm Mrs. Smith your new science teacher, u have assigned seats so you can sit.......Here "She pointed to a square red table in the corner of the room.

I seated my stuff down neatly as students began flooding into the room. Lots of people were looking at me weirdly so I just pretended to draw on my paper then I was joined by a short ish girl with long brown hair "Hey I'm Deena you must be the new exchange" she spoke holding out her hand for me to shake it.. Who shakes hands these days? "Uh hi I'm Carrie" I smiled Deena put her books down and arranged them over her space of the table "So what other classes do you have?" She spoke looking t my timetable "Hey! I have the same classes as you for the rest of the day!" She smiled I think I might have my first friend at this school, that didn't take long "Cool can you show me where those classes are?" "Sure!" she said over existed in my opinion.

we were greeted by a tall ish girl with blonde straight hair and a Nike cap on "DEE!!" She shouted "Haven't seen you since yesterday ooh my god!!" she giggled "Oh hi you must be the new girl I'm Sam btw" She said sitting in the chair next to Deena "Hi i'm Carrie" I smiled "Sam she's got the same classes as us for the rest of the day! Well most of it anyway" Deena said in Sam's direction "Cool"
Then a Tall ish blonde boy came over to our table.. dammnn he was cute he was walking m=with that zany kid from this Moring!! He's one of Louis friends!! "Ayyee Louis Cousin" He spoke in an Irish accent as my heat melted at his words "uhh Hi I'm Carrie" I spoke playing with my hands under the table "Nice to actually meet you Carrie I'm Niall" she smiled and then turned to the front of the class, Zayn sat next to him "Long time no see Carrie" Zayn said with a wink at the end "Uhhmm Yup" I mumbled not knowing how to respond as my sentence was cut of my the bell.

"hi class so today we have a new student Carrie Evans" Mrs. Smith spoke and I felt a flush of red rise up to my cheeks Oh god not this please "she's from new Zealand and shell be here for six months" she said turning back to the whiteboard Glad that's over. After about an hour of the most boring science lesson I've ever had in my life the bell rung and I I followed Deena and Sam outside of the class , I looked at my timetable and I saw that I had maths next "Ughh I groaned I hated maths "Uhmm do you guys have maths?" I said to Deena and Sam "Yup just follow us" Sam said Thank god for that I didn't want to be lost, we arrived to the class "You can sit anywhere in here" Deena whispered to me as I just nodded for a reply and sat next to Sam at a square desk table then I heard someone screaming something stupid so obviously I turned to see who it was... It was Louis oH great! He came walking in with this whole gang of friends including Niall and Zayn the only ones who I actually knew their names. I looked to the teacher and saw him roll his eyes at them Sam Deena and I all giggled slightly, Turning around I instantly saw Niall Looking at me he just smiled and then sat down

A/N 810 WORDS YOUR WELCOME and yaasss she meet Niall finally took like 5 chapters but shes in!! haha please leave a comment on how i could improve because i would really like that and yah thanks for reading :) P.S SORRY FOR KILLING YOU WITH THAT NIALL GIF BC DAYYMM

Exchange Student // Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now