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I woke up to my stupid alarm beeping my my ear,

"Ugghh" I groaned as I slammed the palm of my hand on my alarm clock hoping it would shut up. As I rolled over to get at least 5 more minutes of sleep I felt my hand hit someone I the face..

Was Daisy sleeping in my room again? I forced my eyes to open as I saw Carrie Tossing in her sleep, probably because I just hit her in the face. I remembered watching some stupid Disney movie last night with her and she fell asleep in my room.

Then my alarm went off again "Just shut up already!!" I screamed at the stupid old fashioned device that everybody in the world hated. I quickly got up trying not to wake Carrie up because she was majorly jet lagged and I didn't think she would want to go to school. I stood in my wardrobe and picked out some ripped skinny jeans and a black top and forced them onto my body. I wasn't in the mood for this today.

I ran downstairs to see my brother and sister finishing their cereal as I sat down with them to eat my breakfast I heard footsteps coming from down the stairs.


I walked down to the dining area like it was 3:00 in the morning...Because that was my brain thought. As I saw everybody eating their breakfast popped some toast In the toaster and almost fell asleep waiting for it to pop up as I heard Louis speak "Yo Carrie when do you think you're going to start school?" "I don't know It's too early to think right now" I replied sounding rude not meaning to put it my toast popped u "Finally" I mumbled and put some marmite on my toast and sat down with everyone else "Where's Aunty Katy?" I asked while shoving a bit of toast into my mouth "She's on a business trip" Daisy said too happy for 7:00AM in the morning

Then suddenly the door swung open and four teenagers barged into the house "Louis You ready to go?" said the one with a mop of brown curly hair on their head.

"Yep. Carrie can you take Daisy and Austin to school? Or just send them over to the neighbours and they'll walk with them" Louis mumbled I just nodded not really having a choice if I wanted to or not. as all of the boys left not even being introduced to them.

I finnished my toast and walked over to the dishwasher to put louis' bowl in as he forgot to when the doorbell rung "What now" I mumbled standing up from my seat Opening the door to see some mother with three kids on bikes and scooters "Hello Are Austin and Daisy at school yet? Louis said that Katy's not here so we thought we would take them" The lady said " Uhhh Yeah Austin Daisy You guys ready to go?" as I turned towards them they were already walking towards the door with their bags on not even answering me I just smiled and waved goodbye and shut the door. "What do I do now" I said to myself as I let out a small sigh and I ran up to my room and pounced on my bed and I instantly fell asleep.

A/N HOLLAAA AGAINNN!! this chapters a lot longer because i felt bad for the last chapter cause it was so bad haha

Exchange Student // Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now