i like him //6

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Maths was a total bore it was just on and on about algebra like when will I use this???

After the bell ring it was lunch thank god! I followed Deena and Sam out to all the tables and sat down with their whole group of friends.

After introducing myself so many times and so many names were thrown at me I literally can't remember any of them. I felt a light tap on my shoulder, as I turned around I realised it was Louis "Oi Carrie Come sit with us" He said as I literally saw all the girls I was sitting with eyes not leave Louis "Nah I'm good lou" I said Turning around Looking at all the girls eyeing me like I just said that I was a cat person "YOU just turned down sitting with Louis Tomlinson??!?!?!?!??!" The One with long blonde hair said I think her name was Katelyn I'm not really sure "Yeah? It's not like he's famous or anything?" I sad taking a bite from my apple "He is in this school" Deena said looking down at her food "All his friends are too! Just look at them" Katelyn said staring at all of them in Awe "Uhh I don't really feel like sitting with my cousin and his stupid trouble making friends" I said Rolling my eyes at all the drooling girls staring at him like he was the hottest man on the earth.

UK is so different to NZ lie right now I would be playing rugby on the field but no I'm sitting at a table watching girls drool over my Annoying cousin talking about how they wish they were sitting with them Ugh

After what seemed like forever the bell rung and I was joined by Louis "W e both have history together ill show you where it is" He said not even making eye contact I just Nodded and followed him felling like I was being watched by the whole school

I didn't have History with Deena or Sam so I just sat with Louis Naill and harry who I've just learnt his name. I was literally being giving dirty looks by everyone who walked past our table what's this schools problem?

I sat in history the whole time playing with some fuzzy thing hanging off my pencil case and trying to get the information the teacher I saying into my head but it was literally in one ear out the other. Then finally, the bell rung "thank god" I mumbled to myself I collected myself and waited for Louis outside of the class because he was being screamed at by the teacher for swearing or something like that after he walked out mumbling swear words after his breath I walked with him out of the school only to be greeted by his mob of friends Including Niall, he was staring at me a lot in history i think he's really cute let's be honest. As everyone was walking in little groups of three on the sidewalk I was ignored by Louis so I just walked in the back on my own. But after about five minutes I was joined by Niall "Hey Carrie" He smiled at me "Hey" I smiled giggling slightly "So how was your first day of school?" he asked in his adorable Irish accent we had the funniest conversation all the way home.

"Ohhh Carrie Likes Nial!!" Louis screamed when we got inside "No I don't?" I lied of Corse I did "Mhmm sure" he said walking upstarts to his room

A/N Okay this is a really bad chapter sorry! please vote if you like my story so far and yahh TYSM for reading

Exchange Student // Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now