A Tail of Stars - Chapter Six

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I didn’t get a chance to find out if I was ready for Mathias to be real.

“Mat!  There was a dangerous edge to the tone of the man I could only assume was Mathias’ father.  He was bigger, but not by much.  He had the same body type, the one that reminded me of a sculpted animal, even in his human form.  That was where the similarities ended.  Mathias’ looks must have come entirely from his mother.  Where he was dark, his father was light.  His father shared none of Mathias’ Hispanic features, though they both looked regal.

Mathias slowly turned to face his father.  His posture was a clear challenge.  The larger man stopped, taking in his son’s stance.  He tilted his head to the side as one eyebrow rose.  It seemed to ask, “Are we really going to do this?” But he remained silent, waiting for his son to make the first move.

“What is it you need, Father?”  There was respect in Mathias’ tone, but it was strained.

“A reminder.  To convey the importance of your situation.”

Mathias snorted.  Actually snorted.  “My situation?”  The thin line of tolerance he was holding onto, snapped. “You’ve reminded me every single day for as long as I can remember.  Am I clear?  Deadly.”  His voice had dropped while he spoke and it matched the menace his words conveyed.

Mathias moved to stand alarmingly close to me.  If the situation weren’t so tense it would have been the most intimate experience I’d ever had with a man.  As it was, he didn’t take his eyes off his father, the corners of his lips turning up in a smile that held neither humor or warmth.

“Mat!” The warning was back.  I wanted to move away from the man’s hard glare but was afraid of drawing his attention to me.

Both Mathias’ eyebrows rose.  “I’m telling her, Dad.”

“Careful, Son.  You’re dangerously close to crossing a line that can’t be uncrossed and I’m not sure even you are ready for the consequences.” 

We were drawing an audience but neither man seemed inclined to back down.  I did note that the bulk of the crowd stood near or behind Mathias.  It made me think of David’s words about him the night before.

Mathias’ father looked around and puffed up even more.  “I’ve forbidden it,” he said, leaning forward, dropping his voice as if he were speaking only to his son but it was clearly for the benefit of the others.

“I’m well within my rights, Father.  Even you can’t deny me this.  Cassielle is not part of your pack and not subject to your rules.  It is my right as her mate.”

The world stopped and I’m sure I felt it tilt and fall off it’s axis.  Mate?  It felt like I couldn’t breathe.  Even though it was a shock, Mathias’ words rang true.  It was like finding something that had been missing since I was six, like coming home.

His father didn’t seem to care that the pieces of my life were finally fitting back together.  He took a step toward Mathias and this time I believed his words were meant only for him. “Mathias, don’t do this.  Think of all of the sacrifices that have been made to keep her safe.”

“Yes, there has been much suffering to ensure she remains in the dark.  Even I have contributed to that end.  I made the decision to honor my promise to you but I’ve wanted to and nearly broken it a million times.  I only didn’t because it would be doing exactly what you’ve done.  I didn’t want to rob her of the choice by making it for her and If I’d gone to her before she knew what was at stake, before she learned of the prophecy, that’s what I’d have been doing.”

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