A Tail of Stars - Chapter Thirteen (part 2)

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“You did it!” Mathias said and I opened my eyes, looking up at him.  He bent down and brushed his hand across my muzzle.  “My turn.”  He opened the door then I watched as he transformed, skipping the wolfman step altogether and dropping down into a large dark wolf.  I wanted to ask what I looked like but all that came out was a yip which made me laugh, and that also came out as a bunch of short whooping sounds that I’m pretty sure would have frightened small children.

Mathias went down onto his front paws in what could only be described as a playful gesture, his hind end sticking up high into to the air as he hopped around and let out a short but deep howl like sound.  I approached him slowly, unsure of how much of him was animal and how much of him was still man.  I didn’t feel at all like an animal.  He whined and dropped the playful stance. He nuzzled the side of my head and turned and ran out the door.

I followed, keeping my distance.  He was even faster as a wolf and more unpredictable.  He bared his teeth as we came across people, blocking them with his body.  The two men entering the hallway held up their hands and stood back against the walls.  I skittered past, trying to get the hang of nails on the polished stone floor.  I was sure at any moment I was gonna pull a Bambi and sprawl out flat, legs in all directions on the cold ground, but somehow I made it to the end of the long hallway only to be waylaid by the door.

Mathias came up behind me slowly and wriggled his big body past me, pushing me to the side.  He raised a paw and hooked the lever door handle, pulling it down, freeing us.  I thought the fancy swirling handles were purely decorative, matching the mansions style.  Clearly they had purpose.  

I glanced back as the door latched behind us.  I would have had to jump up to hook the handle.  The steps were no more easy to maneuver on than the floors.  I took each one slowly and Mathias waited at the bottom for me.  As soon as I reached him, he took off, darting into the woods.  I had no choice but to race to keep up.

The dirt was much easier to run on.  It was incredible the way all four legs worked together to propel me forward.  And as soon as I thought about it my legs tangled and I nearly went head first into the ground.  ‘Let yourself go,’ Mathias’ words replayed in my head.  So that’s what I did.

The less I thought the easier it was and I caught up to Mathias in no time.  As soon as I did he lowered his head and his whole body dropped closer to the earth.  He moved like lightening.  I tried to copy what he did and found a new burst of speed.

We ran like that for a long time, all the while scents whipped past me like the blurs of the trees. I became aware of one scent in particular though.  His scent.  It was an earthy, masculine smell that reminded me of freshly cut wood or the forest after rain with a distracting hint of vanilla that tormented me throughout the run.  There were other wolves whose scents we encountered along the way, but his was etched into my nose and my brain.  I’d always be able to pick him out of a crowd.

After a while he slowed down until we were only walking.  I didn’t realize at first what he was doing, but true to his word he started teaching me.  First he located the scent of something then encouraged me to smell for it too.  Once I had it, he hunted it down and showed me the rabbit it belonged to.  I could taste the creatures panic on my tongue and it keyed me up, my muscles bunching in anticipation.

Reluctantly, we let go of the trail of the rabbit in search of other things he could show me.  When we came across a deer I realized there was more animal in me than I realized.  Mathias blocked me when I moved toward our prize.  I showed him my teeth, frustrated at all the food I was being denied.  Immediately I dropped my head and my tail and laid down, wishing I could turn human again but having no desire to bare my naked body to him again, even in his animal form, I remained a wolf.

He must have picked up on my mood because he nudged me with his head, compelling me to get up.  I followed him back to the house where he let us in and led me back to my room.  This time he only growled at people as we passed. 

I’m not sure if I am supposed to like the way he acted or not, but secretly I did find it a bit thrilling.

Turning the corner into my room I skidded to a halt.  Elizabeth was sitting on my bed.  She rolled her eyes.  “I should have known where you were.”  She stood up and pointed to the half opened closet door.  “Go change, I have a ton to get done and since you’re the one responsible for my new duties, you’re my new assistant.”

I huffed and glanced back at Mathias who was busy inspecting the air for dust motes.  I grumbled and I’m pretty sure it came out as a low growl, but did as I was told.  Or at least I tried.  I stood in the closet for several minutes trying to summon whatever it was earlier that had turned me into a wolf.  It eluded me.  I growled in frustration and stomped a foot.  I’m sure it was about the most unwolfy thing any wolf has ever done.

I stuck my head out the door and hoped my eyes conveyed the pleading I felt.  Mathias leapt to his feet and dashed to the door.  His nose bumped mine and I was struck with the thought that we’d just had our first kiss, my first ever and I’d done it as an animal.  I hung my head.  Mathias rubbed his big head against my neck before vanishing out the main door.

I let out another huff before looking at Elizabeth.  “Don’t look at me.  I’m not rubbing your tummy.  You got yourself into this situation, you turn around and get yourself out.”  She pretended to inspect her nails, but I could see she was trying to keep from smiling.

I rolled my eyes and retreated back into the closet where I flopped onto the floor and groaned.  I was going to be stuck an animal forever, which wasn’t so bad, maybe it’d get me out of whatever unpleasant task Elizabeth had planned for me, except then I’d never get a real, human first kiss. Before that wouldn’t have seemed so bad but having finally met Mathias, the thought devastated me.

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