Mommy Dearest

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January 12th, 2012

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

When Alex finally returned to the main floor of Bobby's house, the Winchesters were nowhere in sight. She mindlessly pulsed her grace out; they were in the basement. She hurried through the house and down the stairs to find Dean seated at the table to her left; Sam and Bobby stood facing him, all three deep in conversation.

"Meaning?" Bobby was asking. 

"Meaning I just had myself a little mishap a few minutes ago, and, uh, well, here. Look." Dean scooped up a small amount of the phoenix ash an rubbed it on his arm.

"Whoa." Sam tipped his in confusion. Bobby grunted in surprise as well.

"I mean, this stuff is suppose to burn the bejeezus out of Eve. Doesn't even give me a sunburn." Dean wiped the rest of the ash off on his jeans.

"Lore says it works," Bobby countered.

"That's always reliable," Dean muttered. He picked up a white rag and wiped off his arm before turning back to his work.

"Well, you know what? Maybe it's like, uh, — maybe it's like silver or iron. You know? Hurts them, not us?"

Alex grunted in agreement with Sam's words. "Iron's a bitch."

"Maybe," Dean reluctantly conceded, "but a fat lot of good it does until we find this bitch."

"I'm looking, but I'm thinking that maybe it's time to make the call." Sam and Bobby both looked down at Dean, and Alex raised an eyebrow.

"Why does it always have to be me that makes the call, huh?" Dean stood up defensively. "What about Alex? I- I mean, it's not like Cas lives in my ass. The dude's busy—"

"Cas," Alex muttered, "Here. ASAP."

A flutter of wings announced the angel's arrival, and Dean spun around to see him, surprise on his face. "Cas," he snapped, "get out of my ass!"

The angel's head tipped. "I was never in your —" He cut off in confusion, eyes narrowing even more.

"Gay," Alex coughed, not missing the look Dean shot her and the — very much still — confused gaze from the angel. Sam let out a small huff of amusement, and Alex smirked.

"Have you made any progress on Eve?" Castiel asked Dean. Alex rolled her shoulders, wings rustling, and the seraph flicked a wingtip at her in acknowledgment.

"Well we were just about to ask you that," Bobby huffed.

The seraph shook his head. "No, I've looked, but she's hidden from me. She's hidden from all angels."


"You know," Sam said slowly, "what we really need is an inside man."

"What do you mean?"

"Something with claws and sympathy."

"Like a friendly monster?" Dean scoffed, "Those are in short supply these days, don't you think?"

"Sure," Sam agreed, "but we've met one or two, right?"


"So we can find one."

Castiel, deeming his part in this conversation over, nodded, and flared his wings. He was gone before anyone could protest. Alex rested her head against the stair railing with a sigh. "How the hell are we suppose to find a friendly monster?" she finally posed. "I mean, it's not like we have them on speed dial."

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