Shut Up, Dr. Phil

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The room was dark, lit only by the moonlight from high above. Alex was standing in front of Castiel, Dean and Bobby on either side of her. Her wings tremored in relief at the sight of her mate, and she reached out to steady him.

"I can't fight them!" Castiel's grace pulled back, and Alex could physically feel the fight within the angel. "Run!" Castiel's vessel began to convulse, limbs jerking as the supernatural creatures battled for control.

"Go!" Dean shoved Bobby and Alex ahead of them. "Go find Sam. Go get Sam!"

"Too late."

Alex's grace ran cold at the voice. It wasn't Castiel's — it wasn't deep or kind. It was excited, crazed. She spun around to see Castiel's vessel standing there, wings gone. Leviathans. They tipped their head, and Alex saw black flow through their veins, reaching up towards their face.

She stepped back, ready to flee, but not willing to leave her mate. "Cas . . ." she began.

"Cas is dead." The Leviathans approached, excitement in their eyes, and Alex stepped back again. "But we know all about you."

The wall hit Alex's wings, and she stopped, teeth clenched to stop her jaw from shaking. "Bite me," she weakly challenged.

The gleam in their eyes made her immediately regret that decision. "Mm. Don't mind if I do." Suddenly the Leviathans stopped. They jerked once, then twice, and Alex watched in fear as they convulsed again. She felt a sudden rush of grace through the air, pulsing through the vessel, weak but unmistakably Cas. She swallowed. "Cas. Please."


Alex jerked awake, wings flaring out in alarm. She clutched at her chest, heart pounding with fear and grief. "Cas," she whispered as she stretched her grace out, hopelessly searching for her angel. Sam and Dean were fast asleep, the youngest Winchester sprawled out beside her, and Alex threw back the covers, moving to the other side of the motel room, separated by a thin wall. She pulled the unopened bottle of whiskey out of the fridge and moved to the couch. With a resigned sigh, she cracked open the bottle and took a long drink.


The sun was barely above the horizon when one of the Winchesters stirred. Alex didn't move from where she was sitting, but instead clicked on the next episode to Lost. She heard a small knock on the wall, and she looked up to see Sam leaning against the archway. "I hope Jacob somehow smites them all," she grumbled. "Locke's a jerk."

Sam cocked an eyebrow, but didn't push her strange commentary. "You might want to save some of that for Dean," he suggested instead, motioning to the nearly empty bottle of whiskey.

Alex grabbed it by the neck and took another long sip. "Dean can suck my dick," she muttered.

The Winchester let out an amused noise. "It's gonna be one of those days," he sighed under his breath, stepping away from the wall. "I'm going to go for a run, okay? Try and sober up before I get back."

"Bite me, Winchester." Alex pulled back on her headphones, blocking out Sam's response.


Dean awoke half an hour later. Alex looked up to see him sit down at the kitchen table, running a hand through his messy bed-hair. "Morning," he grumbled out. Alex answered with a grunt, returning her attention to her show.

She vaguely heard Dean get dressed, finishing off the whiskey before he could come back and take it from her. She looked up when she heard the fridge open, and a second later Dean was peering back into the room. His gaze immediately went to the empty bottle. "You drunk that entire thing?"

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