Survival of the Fittest Pt 1

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Sorry this chapter took forever to get up; I've been really really busy. Next chapter shouldn't take as long - it's the last one for this installment, however. I'm debating ending the series with the next chapter, but I guess we'll see how it goes. One the one hand I'm extremely busy, but on the other I have some really good ideas for the coming season ...

Anyways, enjoy :)


"Dammit." Dean swerved the car down the highway, fingers tightly wrapped around the steering wheel. "Where did Bobby go?" He glanced in the backseat mirror, face dark. "Alex. Where did he go?"

"I don't know." Alex pulled her wings in closer around her. They had searched the entire town, but there had been no sign of the flask or of the hunter himself. "Probably to Dick Roman, I think. I'm sorry, guys. I—"

"It's not your fault," Sam reminded with a worried glance at his brother. "There's nothing you could have done."

"Yeah," Dean agreed, although his voice was still terse. "I mean, who knew ghosts could possess angels, huh? I wouldn't have called that." His tone softened as he glanced back at the disheartened angel, whose head and shoulders had fallen hurtfully. "You did the best you could, Pip."

"I should've stopped him." Alex rested her forehead against the cool glass. "What kind of angel am I that lets a ghost take over? It's my fault he got away."

"No one's blaming you for anything," Sam retorted gently. "No one was expecting Bobby to go AWOL like that. The best thing we can do is finish this weapon and find Dick before him." Before Alex could respond, he turned to Dean. "Next thing we need is a 'bone of a righteous mortal.' "

"So Alex has to get fucked by a nun," Dean joked, his laughter ending in an amused snort as Alex kicked the front seat where his back should be. "Ow."

"I'm not gonna cut off a nun's dick you asshole-"

"That's actually a really good idea."

"Wait, what?" Both Dean and Alex looked over at Sam, shocked, and Alex opened her mouth to violently protest, but Dean beat her to it. "Wait. I wasn't actually suggesting she —"

"What? No—no. I, uh, know." Sam quickly shook his head, rolling his eyes at his brother. "I meant about the nun. Or a-a monk. You do know nuns are all female, right?" he added with a glance at his brother. "Someone who devoted their life to religion. I mean, who's considered more righteous than them?"

Dean grunted in reluctant agreement, clearly not proud of the idea even though he came up with it, and turned the car off of the highway. "Fine. But we're going back to the cabin, okay? I need to sleep for a week." He must have felt Alex's frustrations, because he quickly added. "We'll find Bobby, and we'll gank Dick. But I really just need a beer and a nap, okay?"

"Yeah." Alex settled into the car, wings curling around her as she reluctantly agreed. "That's fine. You guys need your strength." The conversation died, and she closed her eyes as she settled down into the backseat. If she could dream, she could let herself forget about this entire mess she had made, and frankly that sounded like a wonderful idea.


Lucifer was splayed out on the bed, eyes narrowed in concentration as he held a DVD in one hand, tipping it from side to side and watching the light play off of it in flashes of color. "It's about time," he grumbled childishly as Alex appeared, not even looking away from his toy. "You haven't been sleeping a lot. I don't like it." The archangel sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed, finally turning his blue gaze to Alex.

"I've . . . been busy." Alex leaned against the wall, and her wings fell out and down when Lucifer stood. "Let's see. I'm out of heat, Bobby is missing, Castiel is back, big surprise there —"

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