Meet the New Boss

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February 3rd, 2012

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Alex was sitting on the kitchen counter, vaguely aware of what was happening around. Sam was in the panic room, still unconscious from two nights ago, and both Bobby and Dean were out in the yard. The tow truck had hauled the Impala in sometime yesterday, and she had barely seen eldest Winchester since. As if on cue, the front door opened and Dean entered, pulling off his black gloves and shoving them in his back pocket. He sent her a nod, which Alex ignored. She watched as the hunter pulled a beer out of the fridge before finally speaking. "How's the car?"

"She'll live." Dean's voice was tight, and he leaned against the counter beside her. "It'll take some work." He cracked open his drink and took a swig.

"Cold out?"

"Yeah. Could be worse, though."

Footsteps approached, near silent, but Alex looked up nevertheless to see Sam step into view. He had changed, and was now wearing jeans and a dark, long sleeve v-neck. "Hey, Dean."

Dean Winchester looked up. "Ah, you're walking and talking."

"Yeah, I, uh, put on my own socks, the whole nine." Sam entered the kitchen and sat down on the table, looking up at his older brother, and Alex shot a quick glance down at his feet to see that he was in fact wearing socks.

"Well, that's, uh, . . . I mean you, uh, you're sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. My head hurts a little, but . . . basically."


"Look man, I'm as surprised as you are, but yeah. I swear."

Dean studied his brother for a second before nodding firmly. "Good. No reason putting a gift horse under a microscope, right?"

"Yeah. So what happened with Cas?"

"Why don't you come help me with the car. I'll fill you in." Without waiting for an answer Dean walked back towards the front door.

"Yeah, okay. I'll be right there." Sam waited until Dean was gone before looking up at Alex. "Hey. Are you okay?"

Alex didn't immediately respond, instead taking her time to run her gaze over the Winchester before focusing on the desk in the study. "I'm fine, Sam," she finally said.

"Really? I think you and I are remembering last night differently —"

"Two nights ago," Alex corrected, voice emotionless. "It's Friday. And I am fine."

"Okay." Sam gave up, pulling himself to his feet. "I'm going to go help Dean then. But, I mean, if you want to talk . . ."

"Thank you." Alex turned her gaze to him. "But that won't be necessary." She watched as Sam got up to leave, head tipping to one side as he paused, staring into the study. "Sam," she prompted. "Samuel."

Sam turned to look at her, confusion written across his face. "I, uh, I'm fine." And with that, he walked away, leaving Alex to slid back into her own thoughts.


Footsteps echoed on the stairs, and Alex raised her head. She was seated in the basement, having grown tired of her surroundings in the kitchen some time ago. A gentle pulse of her grace proved it to be Sam, and she stirred, raising her head. The hunter didn't see her, disappearing around the other side of the stairs. Metal rattled as he dug Bobby's old toolbox, obviously intent on finding a specific tool. The noises stopped, and Alex heard Sam's breathing increase. "No no no, this can't be happening," he whispered.

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