The Man Who Knew Too Much

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February 1st, 2012

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

"I got a call from Dr. Visyak!" Bobby's voice came up through the floor, and Alex looked up from where she was. Only seconds later footsteps echoed from the basement stairs, and then Bobby turned the corner into the study. He looked around, eyes coming to rest on Alex, who was sitting at the kitchen table, eating a sandwich. "Where's Dean?"

"Dunno." Alex shrugged, bringing her food up to her mouth. "I know where Sam is, though."

"Yeah, thanks for that." Bobby's gaze flickered over to the Winchester, who was sitting across from her. "Any ideas?"

Sam shook his head. "I think the Impala's still here," he offered. "I'd try the garage."

Bobby grunted and walked away.

Alex watched him go in confusion. "What about that call?" she yelled after him as the hunter disappeared out of the door. She turned back to Sam, grey eyes squinting slightly as she studied him. It was almost a week since they had left Lisa and Ben in the hospital, and it was clear that Dean was only just starting to get over them. Alex had spent most of her time with Sam, as neither Balthazar nor Castiel had come back for her.

"Did he say something about Dr. Visyak?" Sam's voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

Alex nodded. "Yeah. Dragon lady," she concurred. Apparently, in Bobby's quest for the truth about H.P. Lovecraft, he had discovered that one creature from Purgatory had escaped through during one of Lovecraft's cultic meetings. It had been that creature that had killed all of the guests, and that creature was none other than Dr. Visyak, the very same woman who had given her and Dean the dragon sword.

"What do you think she wants with him?"

"I dunno. Bobby warned her that Cas might be after her, since, you know, apparently she knows how to open Purgatory. Maybe she's got something to tell us."

As if on cue, the front door opened and Bobby hurried through, Dean Winchester close behind. "Come on." Bobby gathered up his duffle bag, leaving all three to exchange glances.

"Why?" Dean finally asked.

"Eleanor called. She's two hours out and needs to talk with us."


"Didn't say. Said she'd tell us in person." Bobby slung his bag over his shoulder, looking expectantly over at the angel and the Winchesters. "Well? Come on."


Two hours later Alex jumped out of the backseat of the Impala, slamming the door behind her. She felt Dean shoot her a look, but didn't acknowledge it, instead turning her attention to the local landscape. "This is it?"

Bobby got out of the other side of the Chevy, looking around as well. "That's what she said. In the alley behind the pawn shop," he finally said, leading the way.

The four of them started towards the store, Bobby taking the lead and Alex the rear, leaving the to Winchesters on the flank. "Where is she?" Dean asked as they turned down the alleyway.

Bobby shrugged, digging around in his pocket. "She said to meet here. I'll try again." He pulled out his phone and dialed a number, bringing the cell up to his ear. He let it fall again when a soft ringing came from around the corner. The hunters hurried forward, leaving Alex to catch up, rounding the corner in time to see Bobby stop in front of dumpster. "El?" He immediately knelt down, and Alex ran towards them, wings pulling back at the stench of blood.

Dr. Eleanor Visyak was on the ground, leaning against a stack of wooden pallets. Her eyes flickered open when she saw Bobby Singer. "Hey," she said, voice rough with pain. "I guess I could have used your help after all."

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