High school tragedy

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I couldn't believe it.

My best friend in the entire world, who always stuck by me was gone.

Snatched by death and torn our friendship into pieces.

It was my fault anyway. I was so angry and drunk I took Lucas' phone and sent the text.

I didn't mean for her to end her life. To die. I was just..


Jealousy is a strong thing. It causes you excruciating pain that only goes if you do something.

And I'm not the passive type.

So I sent the message.

I was in a horrible state and Max even got me into drugs. He's an asshole. I never loved him. I just wanted to see what Chloe would do.

She tried to warn me about him.

But now I'm the next high school tragedy waiting happen.

My parents found cocaine in my room. Only, I only had it once. And I hated it.

That's when I realised.

Max must of put it there. He hated me ever since I called the police.


Lucas told me what happened with Max and I called the police and he got a criminal reference and his parents busted him out of jail.

I may of been jealous but I still love Chloe, I would never of done nothing after some asshole nearly raped her.

So he put the cocaine in my room. Hidden, but just left out enough someone could find it, like my parents.

They hate me.

Lucas hates me.

And it's all my fault that Chloe is dead.

I'm waiting to be the next high school tragedy.

Tragedy number 100, put me in the book.

The book of the forgotten.

Forgotten and unloved.

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