Rocky road to hell

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Hey guyyys!
Sorry for barely updating!
It's just that it's really hard and I always write all my ideas down and then when it's down- they end up being about 100 words. And that's extremely short. So I try to add more in but I can't. I'm going to try my hardest and if you have any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated
Please also vote because I'm not getting a lot at the moment and I don't wanna be that jerk always asking for more but it means a lot to me <3. Hope you enjoy this chapter I think things start picking up from here.
(U probs didn't read all of that😂)
Max's PoV
Hey ho—
I'm on top of the world.

Let the news be spread all of you are pawns in a game of my chess.

Your subjects and I'm a king.

I've intertwined everyone in my plan to get what I want.

Because now and foremost-

It's in my good fortune that Chloe is alive because this is where my plan starts:

1. Leave a note to Chloe while she is sleeping, reading:
I am so sorry and I know you may never want to forgive me but I love you with all my heart. Please meet me at the cinema,
Your love,
Lucas xox'

Criminal love, I know! Born a genius, always a genius.

2. Leave a note to Leela, just after Lucas and Leela fall in love reading:
'Thanks for the time. I was bored and I knew I could get with you whore, anyway here's some dirt cheap pay'

Oooh, she gonna take some side fries with that burn.

3. Pull Lucas away. Even better, get Chloe to pull Lucas away.

4. Watch the aftermaths

With popcorn. Don't forget the popcorn.

Now to some of you, this might not make any sense, but to me this is just my baby steps to victory.

Let's see how my ending unravels.

I bet not a lot of you put me down as a clever one. Surprise!

I'm the cleverest dick of them all if there ever was one.

Sit down, relax and joy the rocky road to hell.

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