Love breaks you

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Lucas' Pov
I gulped.

I nearly didn't come today.

But then I did.

I couldn't bare someone to feel the same way as Chloe did. She needed someone.

She briskly walked towards me, her eyes puffy and red. A deep frown shimmered in her eye, you could see the deep guilt behind the layers of defence.

"Look you don't have to stay here long-"
"I want to" I didn't.
"Are you su-"
"Yepppp" my p's dragged on longer and longer and then drifted away. This was awkward.

More than awkward.

"Okayyyy then..." Her y's seemed uncomfortable, forced, almost.

I let out a sigh. Tears lay on the bottom of my eye, but I swallowed them and closed my eyes. "Let's eat" an excruciating fake smile lifted my cheeks.

I knew that she knew it was fake.

And she knew that I knew that she knew.

But, nonetheless she returned it with a much more warm smile and we sat down.

"Look, Lucas, I am really sorry"


I didn't know what to say. I so badly wanted to forgive her. To end her sorrow. But something like that-

Is very hard to forgive.

"I know you don't want to forgive me" Yep. Yep. Yep.
"But, here me out, I don't even remember sending the text or sharing it. I was so drunk and high and fucked up. I just remember sitting on the floor with you asking me for your phone back. Please. Lucas, you have to forgive me"

I thought about it. Trust me, I really did. My mind has been going mental with that question. But I just-

"I'm sorry Leela. It's not that simple"

I loved Chloe too much.

And the text she sent me- tore me up. It broke me.

"I really am sorry" I turned around and walked towards the door.

Love is amazing.

But love breaks you.

And once it breaks you- it breaks other people.

And this is just the beginning.

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