Home Sweet Home

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You trudged in the piles of sand, lugging a bag behind you. You were headed home after a long day of working and you were bone tired. Your knees felt like they could give out at any moment and your lips were cracked, your tongue dry. You've been out here day and night, collecting ores that you could find in caverns and just by digging as far as possible. You were going to go trade them before you went home, but you felt so weak and your eyes were red from rubbing sand out of them. You had to get home to Mother before she had a reason to worry.

The heat bore through your clothing and touched your shoulders with a gentleness you've known all your life. The heat didn't bother you as much, since you were always outside and walking around, doing things out in the open sunlight. By the time you arrived home, the sun was slowly sinking but you noticed something was off the instant you saw your house come into view. There was a ship next to small home and you felt panic rise in your stomach.

Was Mother in trouble? Had she accidentally done something and will she be taken away?

Almost forgetting all the rocks and fossils you collected, you let go of the bag and let it drop, creating a cloud of dust under it, billowing into the sky. You sprinted back home, tears pricking your eyes. You couldn't loose your mother, she was all you had, since your father had left when you were very little and never made a reappearance ever since. You could hardly remember his face, his warm voice, and his rugged, callused hands, but you still remembered a strong scent of clean clothes from him.

Slamming the door open and almost breaking it off its hinges, you slow to a skidding stop when you saw your mother look up in surprise and another woman with a large furry creature standing tall next to her. You rose a weapon, a dagger, in threat, your eyes full of fiery alarm. The furry creature let out a alarmed noise of some sort and somehow you could understand him, almost like he yelled in sudden surprise. You looked at the nicely dressed older lady and your mother cut in quickly, raising her hands towards you, walking up.

"No, [Y/N], don't fear, they're old friends of mine. Please relax, no worries." She says tenderly and you almost immediately sheath the dagger, looking over her shoulder at the two mysterious people. Whoever they were, you didn't like how they felt. They both seemed strange, of course, but the elderly woman felt overpowering with determination and she seemed like she had a good aura. She smiled politely and addressed herself.

"I'm Leia.  Sorry to disturb you, we were just having tea with your mother." She looked at the furry creature and let out a small chuckle, looking back at you.

"And this is Chewbacca, he's a very good friend of mine and my husband's. Don't worry about him, he may seem threatening, but he's just a big cuddly guy."

Chewbacca let out a quiet noise of protest and Leia just laughed again, her light and kind humor very comforting. She almost seemed like your mother, who was also very kind and caring. You sat down, sighing and your mother served you a glass of tea. You drink it very quickly and greedily, making sure you get every last drop before setting the glass back down on the table. It was so soothing and refreshing, and you loved the herbal taste added in. Mother's tea was your absolute favorite, no doubt about it. It was chilled and cooled your warm skin, making your reddish cheeks go back to their normal color.

Leia and Mother continued their discussion, picking up from what you assumed they left off at.

"Please, [Mom's/N], you have to come with us. We need all the help we can get."

"I can't, I have a daughter and a life here, Leia, you do realize that I can't leave it all behind?" She shook her head and you looked up at the mention of your being. You looked at your mother's beautiful, tired eyes and you couldn't help but watch her expression change from a smile to a grave frown. Leia sighed, holding the bridge of her nose.

"It's not just you that will be leaving. We also need your daughter to come along, she'll play a large part in this."

"What?" You question, curious as to what they're talking about. Chewbacca looked at you and said something along the lines of, 'the Resistance.'

That's when you realize, this woman was no ordinary woman named Leia. She was the famous Leia Skywalker from all the stories you heard when you were a small child. You always idolized her and found her to be one of the most beautiful women in existence, with flowing brown locks and the kindest gentle brown eyes.

You jumped, causing a glass of tea to spill all over the table. Your eyes were wide and you were leaning halfway over the table. "Leia Skywalker! It's really you? Wow, I'm so-- I have no words!"

"Now isn't the time, [Y/N]." Your mother reminds you and you calm down rather quickly, your cheeks blossoming red from embarrassment. Leia looked at you and nodded.

"Yes. Chewie and I came to convince your mother to come to the Resistance with us. Right now, as you might be aware, the First Order is slowly rising and we need all the help we can get, and you're Force-sensitive."

"Wait what?" You say in surprise, your eyebrows raising halfway up your forehead. You've heard little about the Force and it seemed very intriguing, using some sort of magical essence to control things around you. It brought excitement to hear that you were possibly able to use the Force, and Leia stood up. "It seems as if your mother doesn't want to risk the chance of leaving." She says, turning to look at you.

"But you are able to make your own decision, are you not? Do you want to come to the Resistance and train as a Jedi?"

Your mother seemed very sad about the situation, but you had to think on it. If you left your mother, she would be all alone, with nobody else. She would hardly be able to survive, being almost too old to fend for herself. But then again, becoming a Jedi would be very honorable and it sparked a new feeling inside of you, which you haven't felt for a long time-- longing.

You were constantly longing for adventure and a reason to leave home, and a good one at that. Leaving your mother out of the blue would be terrible, and the thought never crossed your mind, since you loved her so dearly. But your heart ached, as it is now your chance to either go on a dangerous, life-long mission or stay with your mother and help her throughout the rest of her years. You gulped, this being a hard choice.

Leia looked at you worriedly, as if you were her last hope.

"I want your answer in the morning. Please think wisely, [Y/N]."

And just like that, Chewbacca bid his goodnight by his strange noises and your mother led the two to the spare bedroom. Going to your own to sleep on the thought, you took off your shoes and outer layer of clothing, lost in your thoughts.

You searched for any pros and cons of leaving and staying, but all you could think about was your dear mother, how it would hurt her, and Leia, how much it would let her down. But you decided to go with what your heart wants, which was a quote from your mother herself.

And your heart yearned for adventure; to see the stars up close and to breathe in different air, other than warm, dry humid air. You closed your eyes, laying against your warm blankets, not able to fall asleep. You knew where you were going to go, but what you didn't know is what you were going to tell Mother.

And for the rest of the night, you weren't able to fall asleep until hours had passed, and you heard the sounds of night in the desert.

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