Meet the Resistance

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By the morning, you opened your eyes to a bright light seeping through your tattered curtains. You leaned up and stretched, wearing something casual and light. You wanted to privately talk to your mother before you left, so you knocked on her door lightly. A fragile voice sounded from inside, telling you to come in. As you walked in, you saw her looking down at a jewelry box folded between her soft hands. You sat down next to her on the bed, looking at the beautiful sparkling jewels inside.

Usually, jewels sparked your interest since you were a scavenger, and you've never seen something as beautiful as it. It shimmered rainbow but a opaque marble white. You wanted to touch the smooth surface of it, but held back and she looked over at you. "Good morning, [Y/N], sleep well?"

You nodded, although it was a tad of a lie, only getting a few hours of sleep actually. She smiled and looked back at the jewel, which you identified as an opal, and parted her lips, saying something.

"I'm sure you came here to talk about leaving."

Your lips tightened together, nodding slowly. You couldn't sound a word and it was hard for you to ever look at her without tears pricking your eyes. She looked up with a delighted smile.

"I'm so happy my little baby is all grown up."

"Mother. ." You say gently. "I'm so sorry. All these years I've grown up with you, I never thought of leaving you. You're too fragile to try and go scavenging and I don't know how you're going to earn money for food or water. But this is such a big chance for me, and I feel like it's my calling, to try and go. I want to see more than just this world."

She rested her hand understandingly on yours, and picked up something. She wrapped it around your neck, letting you examine it.

It was the pretty opal tied to a strand of leather. You felt warm tears roll down your cheeks as you realized how beautiful the necklace was up close and you hugged her suddenly, the two of you sitting in silence, letting the truth sink in.

You felt terrible, much somehow you knew she would manage without you. She was a very strong and independent woman, and you idolized her for that. When the hug ended, she stood up and put the jewelry box away, leading you outside in the kitchen to meet Leia and Chewbacca. When Chewbacca saw you, he greeted you with a slight furry smile and Leia looked your way. "Have your answer, [Y/N]?"

You swore you saw your life flash before your eyes, hearing a childish voice laugh and a manly voice laugh too. You blinked back into reality, nodding heavily and Leia smiled with relief. "We are so grateful to have you on the Resistance, [Y/N]. Don't fear, [Mom's/N], we will take care of [Y/N] and ensure she's always safe. So please, don't worry."

And like that, Leia led you outside with Chewbacca. Your mother stood at the doorway, leaning against it and waving. You waved back, entering the ship. A fresh scent hit your nose suddenly when you weren't expecting it and it brought tears to your eyes, which weren't prepared for any of this. Chewbacca took control of the ship, and Leia sat in the co-pilot seat. You sat behind her, quiet. You felt the need to cry, uneasy about this choice all of a sudden, and you were greatly homesick already. You wanted to return to your mother's arms, but you reminded yourself you couldn't, and she was now in your past, as you turned and made your way to your newest destiny, the Resistance.

As the ship lifted off into the atmosphere, you couldn't help but feel sick. Leia told you to prepare, and suddenly the ship rocked backwards and shot into the air, climbing farther away into the air. You saw as the sky turned darker and realized you were now in space. You glanced out at a window, unsure about all of this. But then, Leia turned and the two of you began to talk about what you already know about the Resistance, First Order and Force.

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