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"You're here for who, Miss?" The nurse immediately helped us, seeing the look on our faces, "I'm here for my brother, Park Chanyeol," I answered, wanting to be by his side as soon as possible, "This way, Miss."

Minhee's P.O.V

"I'll be fine, you don't need to drop me off," I held Kyungsoo's hand and gave him a pathetic smile to reassure him that I was fine. "This is your problem!" Kyungsoo snapped and held both of my shoulders tightly, he sighed and placed his head on my shoulder, "Minhee, you can't avoid me nor your problem. You've been so distant, its like I don't even know you anymore."

"Then, what do you want me to do?" I asked him, "Give up on Chanyeol," He whispered, enough for me to hear. Kyungsoo lifted his head up and slid his hands down to my arms and stopped at my hands, he held them like it was the most fragile thing on earth. 

"Be mine. I'll cherish you and give you what you really deserve. Chanyeol has done enough damage for you already, I mean, look at you! Please, Minhee, don't resist me this time," he said, his eyes completely on me and at that moment, I felt numb like I was completely frozen. I didn't move a muscle and I stood completely still. "It's been a long day for you, I'll take you home," Kyungsoo led me to his car, this time I just followed and allowed him to take me home.

Eunji's P.O.V

"Oppa!" I ran to his bed and held his hand. Machines were beeping, a bunch of tubes were connected to his body and an oxygen mask was covering his nose and his bruised lips. "Where is she?" I asked, no one in particular, but a respond came from Suho, "She's getting some treatment and probably talking to the doctor"

I harshly wiped my tears away and went out of the room to look for the only witness of the accident.

Hyerim's P.O.V

"Miss Choi, please apply this to your wounds so that it won't scar, also please change your bandage regularly," the nurse smiled and left me with the doctor.

"You'll be able to leave tonight after signing some papers," Dr. Yang said.

"What about Chanyeol?" I asked.

"Mr. Park took most of the blow so he needs to stay for about a week under our care. Don't worry, we'll just run some tests. Its not that serious," he replied.

"How's his condition?" 

"The injuries occurred in his soft tissues, this cannot be seen with a standard X-ray, we need to proceed with a CT scan or a MRI to diagnose the damage. Further treatment will be announced as soon as possible. Don't worry Miss Choi, he'll be okay," Dr. Yang explained, I thanked him and left.

Walking back to Chanyeol's room, I bumped into Eunji. "I already talke-," I was cut off by her hand meeting my right cheek, I gasped in shock. "What do you want from me?!" Eunji half-screamed, still careful of the probability of other people hearing us bicker in the hospital.

"If this has anything to do with Luhan, don't get other people involved," she spat, "Oh honey, this isn't the right way of treating your sister-in-law who just got into an accident, but I'll let you go this time. I came here to take back what's mine and if I can't get it," I paused, "I'll destroy everything around it so it has no option but to obey and run after me," I continued and gave her a smile. 

"You're really pathetic," Eunji hissed. I giggled, pushed her out of the way and strutted back to her brother's room. Baekhyun and Kai were there, sitting down on the beige-colored couch. "Where are the others?" I asked, taking a seat next to the bed, "They're outside. We should get going," Suho stood up and the younger male followed, soon I was alone with an unconscious Chanyeol.

Eunji's P.O.V

"Are you going to stay here?" Kai sat beside me and wrapped his coat around me. "I want to, but that means that I'll be staying with her too," I hesitated, "But its my brother after all," I sighed. "I'll bring your clothes and some food," Kai offered and was starting to stand up. I grabbed his arm and gently pulled him down. "Thank you, Jongin."

Kai's P.O.V

My phone rang as I was entering Chanyeol's shared dorm with Eunji which I opened with the spare key that he gave me a few years back in case of emergencies.

"Yeoboseyo?" I answered, balancing my phone on my left ear and shoulder as I was unlocking the door, "Jongin-ah, it's Luhan," 

"Hyung," I replied, shock visible in my tone. "How's Chanyeol? I heard about the accident,"  Luhan stated, "He's okay but he's still unconscious," I said, "Jongin, can I ask you a favor?" He paused, "Let me stay with Eunji tonight," He continued.

"Get things right with her, hyung. I'll wish you luck though," I sighed and managed to gather all of Eunji's belongings while talking to Luhan on the phone. We both said our goodbyes and hung up.

Eunji's P.O.V

A few moments later, Luhan arrived with a backpack and a navy blue duffel bag. "Luhan, what are you doing here?" I hurriedly stood up, nervousness lingering in my tone and I took my duffel bag from his possession. "Where's Kai?" I asked  and peeked past behind him to check for Kai's presence, "I asked him if I could stay with you tonight" He replied, avoiding my gaze. I placed my bag down and offered him a seat.

"I just wanted to make sure that you were okay and of course Chanyeol, nothing more" Luhan smiled and settled a few inches away from me, keeping his distance, "Thank you, Luhan," I cracked a small smile, after all he wasn't as bad as I thought but I couldn't let my guard down that easily. "I brought your favorite," Luhan offered a cute looking package with all of my prized dinner choices. "Thank you, oppa."

Minhee's P.O.V

"Do you want a cup of warm tea?" I asked Kyungsoo with all the energy left in me, "I'll do it, just sit down and rest," He took over and I nodded, taking his coat off of me and settling it on the coat rack. I ambled back to the kitchen and two warm cups of tea were placed down on the table. Kyungsoo pulled out a chair for me and sat down parallel to where I was sitting.

"Kyungsoo-ah," I called out for him, as if he was some hallucination that I formed with my cloudy mind. His eyes focused on me, brown beautiful orbs settling themselves on me. I felt ashamed that he had to see me in this state. 

"Hmm?" Kyungsoo hummed, acknowledging my weakness, "What is it?"

"Can you stay over?" I paused, doubting my decision, "I mean, only if you want to. You have some clothes and undergarments here from when you slept over two weeks ago," I continued.

He nodded, "As you wish, princess."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2016 ⏰

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