Chapter 1

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Josh, Lucas, & Maya are juniors 

Riley & Farkle are freshmen

Chapter 1

Lucas Friar walks through the doors of John Adams high, as he makes his way to his locker he can feel all the girls eyes on him but he just ignores them.

He approached his locker where his best friend  Josh Mathews was already there getting his things out of his own locker. 

"Hey man, how was your weekend?" Lucas asks

"It was good, we went to visit my brother Cory" josh says 

"The teacher who lives in New York right?"

"Yep oh and guess what he told us, he got transferred over here and now he and his family are going to be moving here" josh tells him and lucas can tell that josh is excited.  ever since he met josh 3 years ago when he moved here from texas he had always head about the famous older brother cory who josh respected the most and looked up to.

"That's  great man, you must be happy to have him here" 

"Yea I am " 

"Does he have kids?" he asks

"Yea 2, a boy and a girl"

"Cool are they little?" lucas asks

"No, well Auggie is  6 but my niece Riley is 3 years younger than us, she'll be a freshman here"

"Really? i just assumed they were young"

Josh laughs "Yea well Cory  and his wife married young "

Lucas nods "So when do they get here?" 

"Next weekend, he starts next monday? josh explains

All of a sudden Josh feels his eyes being covered

"Guess who?"

Josh turns to see his girlfriend Maya

"Hey gorgeous " he gives her kiss

Lucas rolls his eyes and turns to his locker to avoid seeing the couple. 

After they finally break apart she turns to Lucas "Hey Huckleberry" 

Lucas chuckles "Hey Shortstack"

It was a game they had played for a while. Maya loved teasing him about being from Texas, at first it annoyed him but after a while he was tired of fighting it and he came up with his own nicknames for her.

Maya turns back to her boyfriend "so we're still on for that movie this weekend?"

"Yea but we"ll probably have to do it Saturday cause Friday i'm helping Cory and his family move. Cory got transferred here" he explained.

"Oh they're coming?, yay i'll finally get to see Riley again i had so much fun with her when i went with you last month?" she says excitedly 

"Yep, she'll be starting next week" josh tells her

"Yay, well i better get going see you later" she kisses josh goodbye

"Later Ranger Rick" she calls as she leaves

"Later Blondie" He calls back

Josh and Lucas make their way to their homeroom

 We got to find you a girl , Luke" Josh tells him as they are walking

Lucas snorts "yeah right so i can turn into some sick puppy like you"

"I'm not a sick puppy" Josh defends

"Dude Maya has you wrapped around her little finger, you're whipped"

It was true he would drop anything just to go be with maya,and when he wasn't with Maya he  would go on and on about how pretty she was and how smart, she was a great artist, had a beautiful singing voice, blah la after a while Lucas would just tune him out.  

It annoyed him how all of a sudden Josh's whole world started to revolve around this one girl

"It's  not being whipped, it's called being in love" josh fires back

Lucas rolls his eyes "whatever you say bro"

He thought it was ridiculous how people could fool themselves into thinking that love exists and that 2 people could really be together forever.

He saw for himself how what people call "love" eventually fades

He witnessed his parents relationship fall apart with his very eyes, all the yelling, screaming, crying, cheating until eventually they split up and his dad left.

He promised himself that he would never put himself through that.

Why bother getting involved with someone if its going to end badly. He was happy the way he was, single and no drama.

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