Chapter 6

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Lucas and Josh were at Lucas' house studying. They were currently in Lucas' room and they  had just finished their assignment for history.

"So glad we're finally done, i need a break" Josh says tired of looking at his textbook

Lucas chuckles "Yeah man me too" he says as he shuts his book 

"I mean I love my brother but he could have gone easy on us and not give us so much work on his first week" Josh comments as he crashes on Lucas bed 

"Yeah he's not gonna make any friends that way" Lucas teases "But at least he's better than our last teacher Mr. Barns"

"True, Im so glad that guy retired" Josh comments

"So where's the shortstack today?" Lucas asks. Surprised he hadn't seen the small blonde.

"She had plans with her mom"

"Aww so I'm your second choice, I'm touched" 

Josh tosses a pillow as his friend who dodges it.

"Hey I wanted to thank you" Josh suddenly tells him

"For what?" Lucas asks him confused.

"For being nice to Riley" he explains

Lucas shrugs "It's no big deal"

"I know but it's just she had issues back in New York and Cory was nervous about how she would do here with making friends and everything"

"What kind of issues?" Lucas asks curiously

"Girls at school i guess, I don't really know the full story but  Cory and Toponga worry about her cause she doesn't really have a lot friends and the ones she did have she kind of lost touch with , they were hoping the move would be a good  for her, like a fresh start for her" Josh explains

Lucas nods "Well Im sure making friends for her won't be that hard, she seems like a nice person"

"Yeah she is, she's always been good with people" Josh says

Lucas could tell that immediately, Riley had something that made you feel you can talk  to her and listens and she always seemed to have a smile on her face that could cause you to smile just from looking at her.

Lucas had zoned out till he felt something hit him in the face. It was a pillow

"Hey you okay you seemed out of it" his best friend asks

"yeah just thinking sorry"

Josh nods and they decide to get back to work. Lucas seemed to have a hard time focusing, his mind kept coming back to Riley, he wondered what kind of problems she could have had, it must had been bad if her parents and Josh were worried about her. He hoped that this move would indeed be a good fresh start for her and she can make friends.


The next day at school Lucas is at his locker when he sees Riley across the hall and she wasn't alone. She was talking to a guy. He had never seen him before but he assumed he must be someone from her grade. He watched as they talked and he could see Riley smile and laugh at something the guy just said, he wondered what he had said to her to make her laugh.

But why did he care, it was good she was talking to people and making friends. right? but for some reason there was something that bugged him abut seeing the 2 together and he couldn't for the life of him explain what.

He was lost in his own thought that he didn't realize someone coming up behind him

"Boo" They shout when they are right behind him making him jump because he wasn't expecting it.

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