Chapter 7

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Lucas hadn't been sure if he wanted to go to the party or not but he finally decided Josh was right. it was better than staying home alone.

Once he arrived the party was already at full swing and it looked like the whole school was there. He nodded and and waved at some of his teammates form the baseball team as he made his way inside to look for Josh who had texted that he and Maya were already inside.

"Glad you decided to make it man" Josh says as soon as he finds his best friend.

"Yeah well what else did I have to do huh" he tells him as he looks around at all the people dancing having a great time.

"Hey I thought you said Riley wasn't coming" he hears Maya ask

"She said she wasn't " Josh tells his girlfriend

"Then what's she doing here"

Lucas turns to where Maya is looking and there he sees her. 


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"I guess she changed her mind" Josh shrugs little confused to see his niece there but happy that she's getting out and meeting people.

She was standing in a corner with a couple of other people including that guy Lucas saw her with, Farkle he remembered his name.

"Josh lets go dance" Maya tells her boyfriend pulling him

Josh turns to Lucas "You okay by yourself?"

Lucas nods "Yeah you go ahead i'll go say hi to the guys from the team"

Josh nods and lets Maya drag him to the dance floor.

"Glad you could make it" says someone behind him and Lucas doesn't need to turn around to know who it is. 

"Wasn't planning on it but my friends convinced me" he tells her

"Well I'm glad you could make it, how about we dance" 

"How about we not" Lucas answers back

Missy rolls her eyes "Fine be party pooper, but don't worry I'll wear you down eventually, see you around cutie" She winks at him as she heads off to her friends.

Lucas simply rolls his eyes 

He looks over again at Riley before he goes off to find his teammates.


The party was not as bad as he thought it would be, although he did have to keep dodging Missy anytime he saw her but other than that he was having a good time.  

"You having fun Huckleberry?" Maya asks as she and Josh approach him.

"It okay" Lucas shrugs

"Why are you just standing there, why don't you ask a girl to dance?" Maya asks

"I don't dance" Lucas says

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