Chapter 9

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Lucas arrives home to find his mother there

"Hi sweetie" she greets her son

"Hey how was your business trip?" he asks

"It was good we got the job done early " she explains as Lucas nods

"What you got there?" she asks seeing her son carrying something

"It's a book, a...friend let me borrow it" Lucas explains

She grabs the book to look at it "Oh Pride and Prejudice, I love this book, I didn't know you were such the romantic" his mother teases

He rolls his eyes "Trust me I'm not, my friend recommended it so I thought i give it a shot" he shrugs

"A friend huh, would this friend happen to be a girl? she asks smirking 


"Does my son have a girlfriend?"

"absolutely not" Lucas says

"Well you must like this girl if your reading her favorite books"

"She's just a friend mom" Lucas rolls his eyes 

"Whatever you say sweetie" she hands him back the book as he heads upstairs 

He lays in bed and opens the book to the first page. He is surprised to find that the story wasn't that bad, he actually ended up reading the first 50 pages before falling asleep.

The next day Lucas finds himself outside on the bleachers by himself reading again. He's so into the book he doesn't realize someone approach him.

"So how you liking it so far?" 

Lucas turns to see Riley standing over him 

"I'll admit, it's not that bad" he says smiling at her as she takes a seat next to him

"Although I do have to say this Darcy guy seems like a jerk don't know why Elizabeth likes him' he says making Riley laugh

"I wouldn't say he was a jerk, but yeah he doesn't make a good first impression" Riley teases.

They begin discussing the book and their favorite parts. Lucas had never enjoyed talking to someone as much as he enjoyed talking to her. He liked how enthusiastic she would get when she talked about books. He didnt say a word, he just admired her.

"Sorry, i talk to much sometimes" she says embarrassingly realizing that she had been talking the whole time as he just sat there.

Lucas chuckles "No it's fine, I don't mind, you make reading actually interesting" he teases

Riley giggles "Thanks"

"So have you given anymore thought to trying out for dance?" he suddenly asks 

"Yeah, I don't think so" she answers

"Why not?" he asks curiously 

She shrugs "I wanna catch up on my work" she answers not looking at him

Lucas felt she wasn't being completely honest.

"But I'm sure you can do both, I mean you juggled school and dance before, and you got straight As" 

"Yeah, but I..I just wanna take a break from dancing for a while" 

Lucas nods feeling there was more to the story than she was letting  on but he didn't want to push her.

"So, you ready for your game, its coming right?" she asked

Lucas nods "Yeah, Coach has us training like crazy"

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