I can't take it!

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  As my body slowly wakes up, my hysteric brain finishes off my sadly recurring nightmare.

  *Two hours later*

My pale body feels heavy and weak, my eyes feel as if they've been glued with fear; and all I can see is his cold eyes. I want to scratch my eyes out, to stop seeing his face... His icy eyes. Dreading the fact I was  dozing off again, I start trying to wake up, or at least move my fingers or toes. But it seems as if my bodys been paralyzed.

  "Brooke? Brooke! Brooke!!" A desperate voice screams, my name.

I try screaming out, but no sound will come out of my mouth. No matter how much I try.

  "Brooke please wake up!" The desperate voice pleads. But this time it's louder and recognizable. It's Liam.

  Struggling more I finally get my eyes to open, and my toes to wiggle. Waiting for my eyes to adjust, I feel as to adjust, I feel as if someone is strangling me as I try to breath. A beeping sound going wild in the distance, fast footsteps echoing around me. Crying, and laughing coming from beside me. As my eyes slowly adjust I try to breath.

   I feel strong arms wrap around me, in a bone crushing hug. At first I fight against it, but let in to the hug once my eyes adjust and notice it's Liam. Smiling I breath in his sent slowly calming down, as I finally feel safe for the first time in a while.

  "Ouch?" I croak out what sounds like a question.

   "Sorry, sorry." Liam apologizes over and over again.

  Laughing I nod my head, not noticing the doctors running in and staring at me, with their mouths open; my family following closely behind them.

  "Brooke!" Aurora screams jumping on to me.

  I let out an omph, as my sister lands.

  Aurora is my five year old sister. She has white blonde hair, that shines in the sun light, and glows in the moonlight. She's short for her age, and is easily mistaken for a three year old. She's very very smart, and is in balla. She uses every chance she gets to hang with me, and dance. You could spot her out in a crowd with her blanket, and plush elephant named Ele the elephant.

   As I smile at Aurora, my mom and dad come up to me. But they're not smiling like everyone else. Instead they're gloomy and frowning.

  "Brooke." My mom spoke with no emotion, it was scary.

   "Mom?" I reply my voice shaking. As I look at everyone.

  "Your dad and I, are going on a two to three year business trip; starting today." My mom explains "sadly".

  "Seriously?! How can you? I'm only fifteen, and Aurora's only five! What type of parents do that?!" I shout at them, my face probably turning red. Sure growing up they weren't there for me, but I don't want that to happen to Aurora; she's to young for that.

   "Brooke Anne Marie Rose! Do Not talk to your Mother like that!" My Father yells at me in fusteration.

  "No! No! You're joking right? I have every right too!" I fight back.

  "That's enough Brooke, we are going on this business trip and that's finale." My so called parents finish, as they walk out probably signing my release.

   Dear all new readers, I am currently rewriting this book. so if you read beyond, recently updated chapters you may get counfused. But I will be posting two new chapters every day I can. So expect some more chapters tomorrow.


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