Try to remember!

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"It's been hard to get past, his eyes, face, and his hands around my throat." I finish, breaking down after.

"Liam... I'm so sorry. I shouldn't be blocking this stuff." I tell him crying.

"No. It's okay the, doctors said you would block stuff. " Liam consults me, giving me a hug.

"I *hiccup* should *hiccup* be *hiccup* comforting *hiccup* you." I state.

"It's okay. Anyways, whatever you're blocking must be pretty bad." Liam reassures me.

I nod my head as I, wrap my arms around Liam tighter.

"I go back to school in two days." Liam utters.

"Y-y-you do?" I stutter, fear of what might happen.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine." Liam declares.

"Are you sure?" I ask him. Disbelief evident in my voice.

"Yes! I've got back up anyways." Liam jokes flexing his muscles.

"Okay." I roll my eyes.

"Brooke!" Aurora screams, as she comes barging through the door.

"Someone's at the door." Aurora pants, as she jumps onto Liams lap.

"Did you open it?" I ask her sternly.

"Nope. I ran straight up here." Aurora says, nodding her head.

"Good girl." I praise Aurora. Patting her head.

"Liam, can you help me downstairs please?" I ask Liam.

"Sure thing." Liam smiles. Lifting me up, and carrying me downstairs.

You see the hospital, had given me two wheelchairs. One for upstairs, and one for downstairs.

"Thank you." I thank Liam rolling to the door, and opening it.

"Brooke. Brooke Anne Marie Rose?" The man and woman, in front of me ask.

"Yes, why?" I ask, looking them up and down. Curious as ever, the feeling seeping through my bones.

"We're the F.B.I, and we have some questions; we'd like to ask you. May we come in?" The man asks

"Yes. Come, come in." I tell them inviting them in.

"Have a seat." I tell the F.B.I agents.

"Would you like some, coffee or anything?" I inquire.

"We're good." The man tells me.

"May I ask for your names?" I ask them, raising an eyebrow.

"Ah yes. Well I'm Ron, and this is Lee." Ron tells me.

"I prefer to use my last name." Lee informs me, her curly orangish red hair flying around.

"Well I must tell you, I don't remember a majority of that night." I let them in on some information.

"Well will need you to try, and remember as much as possible." Lee instructs me.

"I'll do my best." I answer her.

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