It's just us Aurora.

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A week later and I finally get to go home. An empty large house filled with "maids", or I guess use to. Before my parents left I was written into their will amd bank. As they explained that there would be no more "maids". That I would have to do everything on my own, from here forth. Are only real family was my dads family, and his family plus Aurora. But they wouldn't be visiting till next year.

"Brooke, can we go home now please?" My little sister Aurora asks. Her big rare blue eyes sparkling, as she pouts.

"Very soon Aurora, I just need to get checked and we're good to go." I tell my sister, as I try to sit up.

They ended up having to cast my left arm, and right leg. I had scars on my back and stomach. My body had been intack with a type of chemical that, caused my hair to turn an orange color, my eyes were dull and would stop 'working' every now and then. The doctors said it would wear off in a couple months. The chemical had to be removed from my system, due to the fact it was deteriorating my immune system, and what not.

"Okay brooke, we're-." The doctor began before, I cut them off.

"I know." I tell them. Looking at my sister.

*After check up*

"We discovered, that you may still have the chemical in your immune system. " Dr.Bailey explains to me.

"You'll have to come back in a week." Dr.Bailey finishes as her long blonde hair, sways in her pony, and her blue eyes covering in pity.

"Thanks, umm can we leave now?" I ask motioning towards my sister.

"Yes you may. But I got to inform you, there's reporters every where outside; and the FBI want to talk to you." Dr.Bailey lets me know.

Sighing, I nod my head as I get helped into my wheelchair. Aurora sitting on my lap, as we're wheeled to the front where Liams going to pick us up.

"Weeee!" Aurora giggles, as we go down hill.

"I'm here." Liam pants, as he grips on to his knees.

"You okay?" I ask him concernly. My lips curling downward, and my eyebrows creasing.

"Thoes reporters are tough to get through." Liam explains once he's caught his breath.

"How many are there?" I ask him, you see I'm very claustrophobic.

"A lot, but don't worry there's police and security, who are going to help." Liam explains.

"FBI too?" I ask him chewing on my sweater string.

"Yeah why?" Liam asks.

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