Growing Affection

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Alfred snorted with laughter at his friend, Mathias, who was attempting to catch a grape in his mouth, and instead hit a younger girl, it got stuck in her hair and she didn't even notice! "Holy crap I can't breathe!" He gasped, hitting his friend on the back.
"Me- neither Al!" Mathias was half choking on another grape, his head pressed against the table.
A slight cough caused them both to attempt at looking calm, even though they were both red in the face and both had tears in their eyes from laughing. Arthur stood there
"If I'm not interrupting anything, I'd like to sit with you guys."
Alfred cleared his throat and Mathias just put another grape in his mouth, praying he didn't choke on this one.
"Sure Artie!" Arthur scoffed, but sat down anyway "why'd you decide to come out of your little tsundere corner to sit with us today?" This comment brought out a light blush on the boys cheeks.
"Oh shut it," Athrur fiddled with his thumbs "okay, Francis is being especially pissy today. Guess he forgot his makeup again." Mathias snickered at the comment.
"Al you never said anything about sass," The Dane stood and left the two alone. Arthur raised an eyebrow at Alfred, who remained quiet and vaguely uncomfortable.
"You talked about me?" Arthur's head was feeling heavy. He said something about him to another. He prayed that his friend hadn't backstabbed him like his other "friends" had.
"Well, you are my friend right?" Alfred smiled, his smile too big for his face. Arthur's heart skipped a beat as he tried to calm the raging storm of emotions inside his head.
"Iggy dude, you alright?" Arthur snapped his head off of the table "you've been sitting like that for a few minuites now" Alfred laughed a little.
"And yeah, I talked about you because all my friends have stories that need to be shared! Yours is that totally epic food fig-" his speech was cut off.
"Oh crap." Arthur stood up, quickly shoving his rubbish in the bin and leaving, to be followed by Alfred.
"Artie what the was that?" He ignored him, irritated Alfred snapped and grabbed his friend's shoulders "what the hell is wrong with you Arthur?"
Arthur shook him off like a piece of dust and carried on walking. Out of the yard, through the office, out of the school gates. They were all abandoned anyway.
"Arthur! Arthur stop it!" He yelled into his friends ear.
"Oh for the love of-" He stopped walking turning to face Alfred "will you stop pestering me for once!"
"Not until you tell me why you took off like that!" They were standing at the edge of a road.
"Its nothing." Arthur avoided eye contact.
"Then tell me!"
"Its none of your buisness!" Alfred grabbed Arthur's arm.
"Let go of me you twat!" Arthur tripped and fell backwards. Everything was going in slow motion as a car sped round the corner. Alfred's heart was in his throat. At that moment...

...his friend could die.

There was a slight thud then darkness. Arthur's head started to throb and he let out a little cry.
"Shh," an arm hooked around his back, locking him in a strong hug "Arthur? You alright?" He looked up and saw not blood or road, but Alfred. Looking like he'd seen a ghost.
"Holy shit Alfred. I'm so sorry I dragged you into this." A tear rolled down his cheek.
"Nono it was my fault, I shouldn't have kept asking you why you left so sudden." Alfred sighed, helping his friend stand on his own "I mean, I'm still curious but it's up to you to tell."
Arthur clutched Alfred's jacket "bloody idiot." He murmered.
"So, where d'you live?" Alfred refused to let go of his friend's shoulders, afraid of what could happen if he did.
"What are you, a stalker?" Arthur sighed "down that road to the right, number t-thirty-nine." The boy's breath hitched, causing him to stutter and cling tightly to Alfred's jacket.
"Dude, you wanna borrow my jacket? You look cold." Arthur could only flash a glance before there was a warmth encasing his shoulders.
"Thanks, but I'm fine ,really, just a little shocked thats all." He said in his light British accent. The pair walked in content silence.

A sharp wind sliced through Alfred's skin, but Arthur had his bomber jacket and he needed it more. After all, he was inches away from possibly losing his life. This had shown Alfred how close he really was to him and there was a little soft spot in Al's heart for Arthur. He was determined to keep it that way.
"Knock knock." They turned down another street.
"Knock knock."
Arthur sighed "who's there?"
"Old lady."
"Old lady who?"
"Oh! I didn't know you could yodel!"
Arthur let out a slight giggle and smiled.
"I'll never understand you, Al."
Alfred laughed boldly "well maybe I want to be mysterious!" Arthur rolled his eyes "wait. Did you call me... Al?"
Arthur stopped dead in his tracks.
"N-no." His mind flipped to a fantasy of his, begging for it to be true. "Well, yes. I did." They carried on walking.
"But I thought you're against the whole nicknames thing," Alfred leant down slightly, fake-pouting.
"Well- I am. It's just- um... we- we're friends right?" Well that worked. Arthur mentally slapped himself for being so socially awkward.

《Time skip brought to you by Elizaveta's cat. Always watching out for yaoi》

From Alfred's eyes, Arthur's house was pretty small. There was a small flag in the corner of the badly-kept front garden. It was nothing compared to Alfred's giant USA flag, surrounded by little blue flowers he remembered giving to a friend when he was younger.
"WHO THE HELL IS IT?!" A voice yelled after Alfred had knocked. Twice.
"Arthur." His tiny voice somehow got the attention of whoever was inside and they opened the door.
"Who is this? Your boyfriend?" The boy was only just taller than Alfred and had red/ginger hair.
"Shut it Allistor." Allistor grabbed Arthur's shirt collar and lifted him off the ground.
"so tell me, why are you slacking off school? So you and him can go makeout in some dark alleyway?" Allistor mocked.
"Put. Him. Down." He turned to face Alfred.
"What're you gonna do about it?" Alfred may not look like a very scary person, but he can pack a strong punch. It was seconds before Arthur was back on the ground and Allistor was leaning against the doorframe, clutching his jaw.


"Thanks Alfred." They somehow made it past Arthur's brother and into his room before anything else could happen.
"Like you hadn't had enough of a shock already!"
"Alfre-" Arthur's words were cut off
"No siblings should treat each other like that!" Alfred was getting louder.
"Listen Alfred. Stop worrying about me, I've had worse." Arthur slumped on his bed.
"But Artie," Alfred noticed the blush on his friend's cheeks "you're bright red."
"Excuse me?" This only made Arthur blush even more.
"You didn't take what that jerk said to heart did you?" Alfred sat beside Arthur "there's no need to be embarrassed, dude, look. I'm as straight as a circle but I don't give a fuck what other people say!"
Arthur and Alfred laughed almost in sync.
Damn you. Being so damn perfect.
Arthur's mind just wouldn't shut up.
"You sure you're okay Iggy?" The blush on Arthur's cheeks was deep red, the words balanced on the tip of his tongue.
I like you.
He shook his head and mumbled "I'm fine." Alfred sighed.
"I guess we're calling off cooking lessons for today then," Al gave his friend a short hug "you could come 'round my place later if Allistor tries to do anything k?"
After that, he got up and left. "See ya' buddy"
Arthur buried his face in his pillow, letting his blush go wild.
"So Arthur." Owne was standing in the doorway "care to tell me why Allistor has a bruised jaw?" Arthur groaned into his pillow before answering.
"I am not in the mood for any of this right now." He sighed "Alfred punched him."
"Who's Alfred?" Owne wasn't taking Arthur's hint so he looked up and glared at his brother.
"My friend. Now leave." Arthur kicked the door closed, missing Owne's nose by barely an inch. All he wanted was peace and quiet so he could read a book and untangle his thoughts.
He remembered something while reading the word circle. Had Alfred said something about circles?
"I'm as straight as a circle but I don't give a fuck what other people say!"
"Ohmygod." Arthur stood, dropping his book "oh. My. Holy. Crap."
Alfred is... ...homosexual?
He had a chance. He had one shot at winning him. Arthur turned to his mirror and tried to contain his exitement.
"Don't mess this up." He told himself "as long as I stay away from drinking I should be fine."

Arthur is a horrible drunk.

So, I hope you guys like this chapter!
This one was... interesting, to write. As you all know, Alfred is the one to turn to for parties and Arthur is a terrible drunk.
Hopefully they don't cross paths...

...or maybe.

Cya next chapter~

Love you guys!

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