Tell me

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The day had passed by and Arthur's eyes became heavy. Alfred whispered to him in the softest voice he could manage.
"You can sleep Artie. I'm here." So as the buzz of people walking by faded out Arthur closed his eyes, letting a single tear drip down.
Alfred hated this. His precious little sunshine had been damaged but it wasn't Francis who had done this to him. Clenching his teeth at the pain of his thoughts, Alfred looked down at his sleeping boyfriend and kissed his hand before standing and carrying Arthur out into the cold streets.
They were no longer sheilded from the wind as they walked towards Alfred's house. Arthur mumbled protests and whines in his sleep.
Arthur was adorable lying in Alfred's arms and the urge yo kiss him came back into Alfred's mind.
He wanted to kiss him and kiss him over and over again. Maybe if he kissed him enough he would kiss his wounds and pains better.
Arthur whined in his sleep and Alfred flinched at the sudden raindrop that his his nose. Arthur was mubling with each step Alfred took.
"Al..." Alfred looked down at Arthur's soft sleeping face. He brushed some of his wild hair away from his face.
"What is it love?" He spoke softly in order to not wake him. Though the gentle silence and mumbling was cut off as Arthur sneezed and jolted himself out of his sleeping state. After a few moments of staring at Alfred's face he spoke.
"It's cold." Arthur cuddled into his lover's chest.
"I know, we're almost at my house now." There was a tiny chuckle from the small boy's mouth.
"How do you cope with me Al?" He laughed a little "all this trouble and you still get that shimmer in your eyes when you see me and that dorky smile comes back onto your face..."
Alfred felt his cheeks flush with pink and smiled.
"You're okay." Arthur looked up at Alfred with an innocent and angel-like gleam in his eyes. Alfred sniffed as his eyes teared up.
"My sunshine..." he lifted Arthur up in his arms and kissed his forehead.
"Of course I'm okay you dork," Alfred laughed and grinned.
The two walked to Alfred's house through the cold evening, Arthur insisting he walked on his own legs and Alfred refusing to put him down.
Arthur ended up being carried all the way to Alfred's house and didn't get put down until he was lying on Alfred's bed being tickled until tears for.ed in his eyes.
"Alfred! Stop- AlfredIcan'tbreathe!" Arthur gasped through his laughter. Alfred flopped himself beside Arthur and pulled the covers over both of them.
"I love you." He whispered and kissed the brit on the forehead. Arthur smiled and whispered back.
"I love you too." And with that, the room fell silent. Arthur closed his eyes and let his smile fade away from his face. He lay there in Alfred'd bed with one arm over Alfred and the other folded up near his own face. Alfred was facing away from him.
Arthur took a deep breath and drifted uneasily into sleep.

Alfred opened his eyes and moved his arm around, looking for Arthur's small body next to his. Instead, he found empty space and jolted upright.
"Arthu-" his speech was cut off by a shaky cry in the corner of his room. He glanced over and saw Arthur sitting with his head imbetween his legs, shaking and whimpering.
Arthur tried to steady his breathing but his lungs forced the air out in uneven gasps. Alfred slowly aproached him, holding one arm out to where Arthur could see.
Once Alfred was sat beside Arthur, his whimpers quietened and after a little while of staring and examining he grabbed onto Alfred, clinging to his shirt and hooking his legs around him. Arthur let out a sob and gripped onto the fabric at the side of Alfred's shirt while his vision became blurry.
He could still see it, a small figure moving in the dark. It moved closer and he could see the tiny sparks that used to captivate him when he was young, and now terrify him.
"Arthur?" Alfred spoke gently, turning the boy's face to his. Shuffling around, Alfred managed to get Arthur to sit facing him on his lap.
"You're alright." Arthur was still trembling with cold tears running down his facce and neck to soak into his clothes.
"I'm here." Arthur tightened his grip on Alfred's shirt "I won't let them take you."
Arthur swore his heart stopped. He felt his lungs slow their frantic breathing. Alfred wiped his tears away, releived Arthur was breathing slowly again.
"You're safe with me." He whispered into Arthur's ear. Arthur buried his face into Alfred's chest and listened to Alfred's steady heartbeat.
Alfred lifted Arthur off the floor and turned the light on. Now they could both see the other clearly Alfred kissed Arthur gently on the lips.
"Alfred," with a sniff, Arthur decided he can't keep running away any more "I need to tell you something." Alfred prayed he hadn't done anything bad to hurt his angel but didn't let it show and simply nodded his head. With a dewp breath and a reassuring gaze into Alfred's eyes he finally spoke.

"It's about Francis."

Sorry it's been so long since the last update, school and writers block mixed together is hell on earth fml
Anyway, this is a little short but the next one will be sooner than all the others!

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