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Arthur groaned and limped around the house. I'm going to slap that idiot as soon as I see him I swear. He wandered into the living room and stubbed his toe on the corner of the sofa. There was a moment of silence then Arthur grabbed his foot and began spouting out all sorts of things.
"BLOODY HELL WHO MOVED THE DAMN SOFA THAT HURT" Alfred poked his head around the corner and spotted Arthur standing there with his foot in his hand. He pinched himself to stop his laughter.
"Heya Artie! I was just starting to make some cookies for you but I guess you can come and help if you're not in too much pain there." He blurted, noticing Arthur still had wet hair from his bath.
"Sure why not. Where's Alice?" Arthur joined Alfred in the kitchen.
"Oh she went upstairs somewhere." Alfred measured out some flour.
"Hm. Didn't see her but alright then." Alfred continued baking while Arthur 'helped'. He read out the cooking book even though Alfred knew exactly whay to do anyway. Arthur sighed.
"You still owe me those cooking lessons anyway." He fiddled with the folded over corner of the page and sighed.
"We can start again on Wednesday if you'd like Artie." Alfred suggested, keeping his attention fixed on the mixing bowl. The scruffy corner of the page tore off and Arthur scowled. He looked up at Alfred who had all his attention focused on the cookies.
"So you're just ignoring me an hour or so after fucking me? Nice move Al." Alfred choked on thin air then dropped the bowl and ran over to Arthur to tackle him into a floury hug.
"I'm not trying to ignore you!" He kissed Arthur's forehead "sorry baby, I didn't mean to." A blush spread across Arthur's face.
"Don't call me baby... and look you're getting flour everywhere!" Alfred let go and ran over to save a bowl from landing on the floor. There was a sound at the front door and the tiny hall was filled with the voices of Arthur's brothers.
"Uuugh shopping is boring as hell!" Owne flopped onto the sofa, dropping a carrier bag next to his foot. Others followed, the room becoming a place for people to moan about heavy carrier bags or how they won't let you take your car into the shop itself.
Alice sighed "it's good to know you three haven't changed." Arthur watched as everyone chatted and laughed with each other. Everything seemed to have come together. The family Arthur had known and the relationships in it. He turned to Alfred who was putting away baking supplies. There was only one thing his heart longed for and it pained him everyday. No amount of family could get rid of the pain eating away at his heart.

The pain of losing someone who meant more to him than anything.

"I can't find her!" Tears poured from the little boy's eyes as he stood in front of his best friend's front door. The rain was pouring and the moon shone down. The boy holding the door rushed foreward and pulled him inside, sky blue eyes wide as saucers. He held the crying boy by the shoulders and spoke gently.
"Your mama's working isn't she?" The boy nodded.
"Mother is always working!" He let out a heart-wrenching sob.
"What's wrong!?" A lock of wavy blonde hair fell in front of his now teary eyes. "I can't understand you when you cry like that Ar-" another painful sob from the crying boy. He clutched his best friend's sleeve and screamed.
"She didn't drink her milk and she didn't come to bed!" He wailed again "I can't find Alice!"

Arthur shot upright in his bed and stared at the wall. He raised a hand to his face and felt hot tears stream onto his wrist. He rubbed it dry and stood up.
"If only it was just a dream..." he muttered before walking into the bathroom. His reflection looked awful.
"God how long have I been crying?" Arthur cleaned himself up.

Baby, seasons change but people don't.
And I'll always be waiting in the back room.
I'm boring but overcompensate with
Headlines and flash, flash, flash photography.

His ringtone made him literally jump into the air and stumble over his own feet in a hurry to answer it.
"Hello?" There was silence before someone finally replied.
"Arthur how the hell do you change the hospital to stop texting me!?" Arthur's expression relaxed.
"Just tell them that I have my own number dummy. Anyway what are they texting you about?" There was a pause.
"They want you to miss the next week of school and go for checkups. They said they're worried about your...left arm? But I thought that one was your good arm?" Arthur tensed up and searched his brain for answers.
"You... you didn't notice?" Arthur stammered.
"Huh?" Alfred tilted his head even though Arthur couldn't see.
"I have had both of them bandaged for ages you idiot." A sigh of relief escaped Arthur's mouth as Alfred began apologising. He didn't want to lose his boyfriend. Not to past scars.
He sighed and looked down at his wrists, true that they were both tied in bandages.
"I'm gonna sleep Artie. I'll see you on Monday?" Alfred let out a well-timed yawn.
"See you on Monday. I love you" Arthur added.
"Love you too!" And with that the call ended. Silence crept into the room and encased Arthur. He walked over to his bed and lay there, hoping for sleep to come.
After an hour or so of waiting Arthur pur his headphones in and listened to music, finally sick of silence. Each song's opening playing before he pressed next.

Well they encourage your complete co-
"I'm not in the mood."
You got two black eyes from rubbin' too hard and a black car that matches-
All I am, is a man, I want the world in my hands. I hate the beach but I stan-
I hate feeling like this. So tired of trying to fight this. I'm asleep and all I dream of, is waking to you.
"Why not." Arthur lay back on his pillow again. He started to think about everything Francis had said to him.

"It wont be soon before everyone hates you"
"What do you mean francey-pants? Like you can turn them against me."

"You're weak. Weaker than I thought."
"Maybe I am but you're not one to talk."

"I know." Arthur's eyes slowly closed.

"I'm sorry."

Sorry for the wait my loves! Writers block is a pain!

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