Hello Old Friend

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Arthur groaned and rolled over, tumbling off a bed and hitting the floor. Oh yeah, he thought I'm still at Alfred's place. He stumbled to his feet and looked at his lover as memories from the night before flooded into his brain.
"Why am I hungover?" He half yelled, causing Alfred to flinch.
"Goodmorning to you too." Alfred muttered into his pillow. "There was a party last night," Arthur sighed, turned his phone on and got a glass of water.
8:43am Monday. Arthur coughed in shock, choking on his water. Alfred shot up and saw Arthur was only choking on a liquid. He patted his back and before he could open his mouth to ask what was wrong Arthur screeched.
"SCHOOL IN EIGHT MINUITES" and sped around Alfred's room gathering his things and shoving them in his schoolbag. The pair rushed around the house to get ready. Alfred spotted Arthur brushing his teeth wearing nothing but a pair of Union Jack boxers and stopped for a moment.
"Damn." He whispered and ran into his bedroom before Arthur could notice him staring. He had hardly seen Arthur's body as he wasn't very confident in it. He would even wait until the lights were off to take his shirt off.
The two ran out the front door in sync and somehow made it to the school, breathless. Alfred started laughing and checked the clock.
"It's only just half eight what's wrong with your phone?" Arthur stopped and facepalmed.
"Oops." Alfred hugged him and smiled into his shoulder.
"Aw, you interupted a cuddle morning." This made Arthur blush and push Alfred away slightly.
"Oh shut up you," they both wandered through the building talking about nothing in particular until they spotted someone. A flash of blonde, curly hair. Before the two could turn on their heels and make a run for it the frenchman saw them. He rushed towards them and when he reached Arthur he smiled before kissing him on the cheek. Arthur shoved him and stepped backwards.
"Francis what the bloody he-" Francis cut him off by laughing. It wasn't even hostile laughter. Alfred just stood there with one hand on his lover's shoulder, trying to figure out what had just happened.
"Bonjour! I thought I would make amends of this broken relationship of ours angleterre!" Arthur didn't exactly feel at ease around the person who had hurt him all these years. Francis placed a hand on the shoulder that didn't have a very confused american clinging to it and whispered into Arthur's ear.
"But you step out of line mon ami, and you will face the concequences." He sprang back and tried to spark up conversation with Alfred.
"So you two are..?" He smirked, expecting them to be hidden and privately in love. Or worse.
"We're nothing special..." Arthur murmered. Alfred understood why he would say that and played along.
"Yeah, Artie just wanted help with food tech stuff and walked to school with me that's all." Francis may have said everything was as good as new in their friendship but he was plotting something as they spoke.
"Oh? Then no one would get mad if..." He grabbed Arthur's chin and kissed him on the lips. Francis almost got slapped by Arthur but jumped back just in time to view their reactions. Arthur almost gagged, and at that moment he could have killed the frog.
"FRANCIS YOU WANKER!" Alfred was ticked off. He didn't like this new, taunting version of Francis. Alfred gave him a glace before turning to Arthur and kissing him with passion. When he put Arthur down he was blushing like crazy and overly confused.
"Maybe we are a thing." Alfred spat the words out as if they would turn into bullets.
"Well, I must go now." Francis practically skipped away, his hair bouncing while the two behind him glared daggers to the back of his head.
Arthur slapped Alfred, earning a few stares from around the hall.
"Why did you kiss me all of a sudden!?" Alfred pouted and rubbed his cheek.
"He was taunting me, Artie!" Arthur scoffed and his expression softened.
"Oh well, at least kisses are better than punches, no matter how traumatising they are when I still don't trust the guy." Arthur kissed the spot on Alfred's cheek where he had slapped him and Alfred giggled slightly.
"You're not ticklish are you?" Arthur smiled and poked at Alfred's neck.
"Arti-" Alfred started laughing uncontrolably "nooo stop!" He wasn't used to people touching his neck and was extremely ticklish. Arthur liked the sound of Alfred's laugh but he had to stop because he knew the poor boy might wet himself if he didn't stop.
"See ya' Arthur," Alfred wandered off to his maths lesson leaving Arthur to go to english.
The whole journey there his mind was focused on one, why Francis was acting that way and two, how lucky he was to have Alfred.

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