•Chapter One•

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I lay in my room on the hard, wooden floor, staring up at the painted ceiling. Endless, immaculate patterns and stunning swirls scatter over every inch, making it effortlessly gorgeous to the eye. 

Someone must've taken hours or even days to paint it, yet, no one ever appreciates it. No one ever even notices it.

Everyone knows it's there but they don't make any effort to look up.

It's similar to my life. Everyone knows I'm here. Of course they do- I am the princess. But I serve no real purpose.

My older brother, Caleb, is to be the heir of the throne when my parents retire or pass away. So I am of no use. Yet, I can't go outside. I can't go to school like a normal teenager. I can't have friends.

So I just wander around the castle all day, everyday, not doing any work- bored out of my mind. I want to work, I want to help fight. But I'm a princess and princesses don't fight according to my brother. He's so annoying sometimes. I bet of I learnt to fight I could beat his ass any day!

Mother and father are great rulers and because of this they don't have much time for family time. I hardly see them at all. I doubt they know much about me or my personality, or if they even care. They are mostly in the meeting hall doing business I can't join in. Caleb follows there example and I never see anyone.

The last few days have been particularly strange. My parents and brother have been in the meeting hall all day, and I haven't seen any of them in a few days. I wonder what they are doing that is so secretive.

Suddenly, a knock sounds through my bedroom echoing off the walls, interrupting my thoughts.

"Come in!" I shout, not bothering to stand or even sit up. I just carry on following the the paintings swirls with my eyes,

One of our cooks- Susan- comes in and smiles at me. She's not even surprised that I am just lying on the floor when there is a perfectly good bed next to me. I've tried many times to befriend her but she would have none of it. She said it was too selfish to play with me when she was getting payed to work. All I've ever really wanted was a friend to play with during the day.

"The King and Queen sent me to fetch you as they wish to talk to you." She says, like this was an everyday occurrence . It wasn't.

I smile erupts on my face as I think they'll finally let me help with the royal decisions. Maybe they finally think I'm mature enough. I am seventeen after all. Although, I don't think I matured quickly from being alone all day, everyday.

Nevertheless, I run across my room and zoom past Susan, almost knocking her over, and run down the stairs not caring that I was still only in my silk pyjamas and fluffy socks.

I find myself in front of the meeting room incredibly out of breath. I knock quickly and Caleb soon opens the door.

"Beatrice, come in." He looks over my outfit and frowns in disgust but opens the door soon after gesturing me to enter. I hate how we are all so formal with one and other. I know we are the royal family but that doesn't that we can't talk like a normal family when no ones watching.

I've only been in the meeting room three times in my life. It was an enclosed room with no windows and wooden panels. I find myself wondering how they spend hours on end in here without any fresh air.

A large table is in the middle of the room with numerous chairs surrounded. Two of the chairs are filled with my mother and father and Caleb goes and sits opposite Father. I just stand there looking out of place until my mother nods at me and I take that as a gesture for me to sit opposite her.

"Beatrice," Mother starts with a worried face. "We have some... news to tell you."

My father continues, "The reason we have been  stuck in here more than normal is because we have been receiving notes."

"Notes?" I ask, confused. How could some simple notes get everyone so worked up?

My mother sends me a warning look when I answer back to Father. It wasn't angry just a caution gaze. I am not supposed to speak at the table if I was not spoken to but I couldn't help myself.

Father didn't seem to notice though. He looks too stressed. It must be to do with the notes. His hair was unusually disheveled as if he had been running his hand through it multiple times in frustration.

"Yes, notes." Father says. "Beatrice, these aren't nice notes... they were death threats."

I gasp in shock. How could someone threaten the King and queen? Especially rulers like my parents who were the kindest and selfless rulers ever known.

"Anyway, the notes are not only threatening us," My mother explains. "They are threatening the whole family. We think they want to take over the kingdom."

"Who is it?" I ask and my mother sends me another look but I ignore it, my curiosity overpowering all my thoughts.

"We don't know, Beatrice." Caleb says from next to me. "So mother and father have decided we are all having bodyguards."

"Really?" I say, my eyes widening in shock, as I stop myself from squealing like a child. The excitement of having someone with me at all times sounds really fun. Maybe I can finally have a friend? Someone to play with, someone to talk to, someone to keep me company.

Mother seemed to have given up with trying to make me stop interrupting. "Yes, really." She says. "Yours is a boy two years older than you as we thought to make the age gap as small as possible to make you comfortable. He is also the best fighter known and we thought he would be best as you don't know how to fight. They are arriving tomorrow."

I can't believe my luck. A boy my age-ish to hang out with. Maybe he'll even take me outside the castle...

"Thank you!" I say not being able to contain my excitement, I rush over and bring my Mother into a huge hug.

"You're welcome, darling." She laugh lightly stroking my hair soothingly. I haven't had this kind of contact with my mother for years and I didn't want it to end. But, of course, all good things come to an end, so Mother pulls away gently and pats me on the back. "Now, run along, we need to talk about some other things about the kingdom that don't concern you."

My smile fell by I tried to hind my disappointment. I want to have a closer family but all anyone wants to do it work. And all I want to do is be with them.

"Okay, I'll just be in my room," I mumble. As always. I add quietly in my head.


Hello! Thank you for reading!

Welcome to my new story- it's my first fanfiction. (of many I hope!) I am going to try to make each chapter at leased 1000 words.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Leave a comment if you did! XD


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