•Chapter Eleven•

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My chest heaves from the running and my feet sting as I still don't have any shoes on. The adrenalin pumping through my veins keeps my legs moving but it's getting hard from the concrete making small painful cuts in my feet.

My surrounding are now dark and gloomy. I don't have a clue where I am. Why,oh why, didn't I run back into the castle? Why did I have to beg Tobias to take me to the gardens. Tobias! I hope he's alright. Guilt pierces my heart. This is my fault. I'm such an idiot.

My feet soon force me to stop running from the pain and I hunch over putting my hands on my thighs breathing heavily.

"Hey!" A masculine voice shouts from behind me and my eyes widen in panic. I run as fast as I can until my eyes land on an alley. I charge for it using all my energy.

However he seems to be a fast runner and catches up to me fast.

"I'm not going to hurt you!" He says but I don't believe him. I can't trust anyone out here. I hear him mutter something along the lines of "Oh for goodness sake!"

I squeal as I feel his large hand grab hold of my dress and pull me roughly into the alley I was running for.

"Let me go!" I scream and pull at his fingertips. He sighs against me in frustration.  He doesn't seem that older than me but he's a lot stronger. His hand then wraps around my face covering my mouth.

This is it. He's gonna kill me.

I squeal and scream as loud as I can under his hand. He pulls me so we both have our backs on the wall. His grip still lingers so I glare at him.

He is blonde, with shaggy hair and a crease between his eyebrows.

"You need to be quiet!" He hisses in my ear. Why should I listen to him? So he can kill me quietly?

"You thought you saw someone down here, Eric?" A gruff voice sounds from around the corner and I shut up.

I hold my breath. I don't know who these people are but I'd rather this dude would kill me than these scary sounding old guys. I have strange logic, okay? My heart is thumping so loud in my heart I'm scared they'll hear me.

"Yeah, but it's probably some stupid kid messing about again." A voice I'm assuming is Eric says. As they come into my view I see Eric has dark, greasy hair and multiple piercings and the other is still out of my line of sight.

"Come on, then. Let's get out of here." The first guy says.

As the voices and footsteps fade, I feel the guy holding me relax.

This is my chance. I pull my arms out of his grasp as quick as I can and run.

"Woah, not so fast!" He yells and pulls me back. He grips my wrists hard.

"Ow! That hurts!" I say and he looks sorry and loosens them again.

"What, not even a thank you for saving your life?" He jokes but my face stays blank. He turns serious. "Who are you and what are you doing in Dauntless?" he asks but not harshly. Almost as if he's worried for me.

"I'm in Dauntless?" I exclaim shocked. I must've been running longer then I realised.

"Yeah, are you from Erudite?" He asks, curiously. I give him a confused glance and he points to my dress.

Oh! I'm wearing blue! I can't tell him who I am so I go along with it. "Um, yes.."

"I used to be from Erudite!" He says proudly.

Crap! How am I supposed to pretend to be from erudite when he used to live there!

"So what brings you to Dauntless?" He asks. "And what are you doing down here of all places?"

"I-" I stutter. He must trust me now not to run away as he lets go of my arms completely. I want to run but I don't. If I'm gonna find a way back to the castle I need to have some help. This guy saved my life and seems really nice. Maybe we'll even be able to be friends?

"Oh, my name's Will by the way! What's yours?" Will asks.

What's with all the questions?

"I'm Tris." I say using Tobias' nickname for me. I can't risk them knowing my real identity.

"Nice to meet you," 

"You too. Thanks by the way..."

"Don't mention it." He smiles, showing faint dimples. "Do you want to come to my house? We'll get you cleaned up and... um...yeah?" He says pointing to my dress which has mud and blood running down it.

I hesitate. I know I'm the princess and I was never let out but I know the famous 'Don't talk to strangers rule' and I'm pretty sure I've already broken it but going to his house? And I don't know him?

"My girlfriend Christina will be there too. I promise you'll love her." He says.


"I already saved you life Tris! What more proof do you need?" He rolls his eyes amused.

"Okay then." I agree and he takes a look left and right before bringing me down a path and through the city.


Early chapter! Because I love you guys <4

Pay me back by leaving a comment? I love reading them.

I used 'blonde Will' from the books because that's how I still imagine him despite the movie. I love Ben Lloyd-Hughes though, don't get me wrong.

See you next time ;)

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