•Chapter Twenty-three•

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His soft lips moved against mine with a sense of urgency. To say I was shocked would be an understatement but when I got over the shock I started moving my lips against his. I've never kissed anyone before but his lips are so soft and they fit perfectly against mine so I feel like I must be doing something right.

His hand moves to behind my neck and gently pulls my head to mine as I put my hands on his waist pulling us closer together- I can't get enough of him.

I pull away once I need a breath and I feel his hot breath fanning my face as I assume mine is to him.

Suddenly Tobias eyes widen and he backs away from me. I frown, my yes furrowing in confusion and worry. Was I that bad to kiss?

"I-I'm so sorry Tris." He mutters putting his head in his hands. I lift my hand up and gently graze over my slightly swollen lips.  "I couldn't help it and I didn't mean it and you just looked so beautiful and I just couldn't hold back anymore and-"

"Tobias. Stop it." I interrupt firmly.  I place a hand on his back to comfort him and I feel his muscles relax under my touch. "What's wrong?"

He sighs heavily and looks up to me with his magical blue eyes.

"It was never meant to go this far. " He mumbles, still staring at my in complete awe whereas I stare back at him in bewilderment. "I'm sorry I ruined our friendship."

"What are you talking about?" I demand my voice raising a tad.

"Well you obviously don't have the same feeling and I just messed everything up-just like I always do and-"

"Who said I don't have feelings for you?" I interrupt quietly but he obviously heard because he halts his sentence.

He raises his eyebrows. "Wait..really?" He asked in wonder.

"Well.. Yeah.." I blush red and look down at my fingers fiddling with the detail on my dress that suddenly got really interesting.

He chuckles deeply before placing his finger under my chin once again pulls my head up.

"God, I love that blush." He mutters and soon enough our lips are moving in sink once more.

I don't think I've stopped smiling since last night. It was perfect in every way possible.

I still can't believe Tobias returns my feelings. He is so handsome and kind and smart and I'm well... Me.

The fact he has insecurities amazes me. He thought he'd messed up our friendship like I thought I would when I was unsure of my feelings.

I'm not unsure anymore. I like him. A lot. And the fact he returns my feelings gives me the best feeling in the world.

The day couldn't go any slower. I wanted to go see Tobias now. I wanted to see him laugh, smile. I wanted to feel his soft lips on mine and make my legs go weak.

It's noon and I'm laying in the ballroom, my limbs spread like a starfish. My mind flashes to when me and Tobias used to fight in here. I remember being confused because I was insulted but I also liked that he talked to me like a normal person.

The faint sound of talking catches my attention and my body whips up to a sitting position. I never hear talking! It's always me and the silence of the castle.

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