•Chapter Twenty-Eight•

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I twiddle the daisy bracelet in my fingertips, caressing each daisy in turn. I've lost count of how many times a day I do this, Tobias always the subject of my thoughts. He must've come to the orchard a few days ago and saw that I wasn't there. He probably thought I had changed my mind again and didn't go to find him.

The worst part was that he was so insecure and thought he was bad for me. Tobias is the best part of my life and the fact he thinks he is not good enough for me, puts an ache in my heart.

When in reality I have been stuck in this room for three days. Three. Whole. Days.

I'm no longer angry. I'm no longer sad or confused. I'm empty.

I don't know what to do. I thought I had it bad before, but this is almost like torture. Being cooped up in here, what do they expect me to do all day?

Nothing. That is what they want me to do. Not get into trouble like last time.

A soft knock sounds through my door as the sunlight streams through the curtains. Must be Susan bringing my lunch.

I quickly wipe my tight face from dried tears and sit up and shout for them to come in. I hear a click as the lock is turned and the door opens.

A scowl forms on my face when I see Robert walk in.

"What do you want?" I sigh. I'm tired of this whole situation.

"You're wanted in the meeting room." He says avoiding eye contact.

I sigh and pull myself out of bed. What do they want now? Haven't they punished me enough?

"Beatrice. I-" He starts but stops short loosing the words.

"What? What could you possible want now?" I hiss. This was his fault. He ruined my happiness. He ruined everything.

"I know your angry with me b-but...what was I supposed to do? I was looking out for you and-"

"No. Stop. You were only looking out for yourself." I snap and leave the room before he can say the last word.


I feel a strong sense of Deja Vu when I see mother and father welcoming some people into the castle. First is a beautiful woman with dark skin and her long luscious hair tied back in a glamorous bun.

Next to her is a boy who looks my age with the same dark skin. I see him smile at mother but I can tell his smile doesn't reach his eyes. When he turns to follow my mother, father and the woman into the meeting room, I notice a snake tattoo behind his right ear.

I wait a few more seconds before I walk to the meeting room. It feels weird to be out of my bedroom and around the castle, but it didn't seem to lighten my mood.

I raise my hand and knock lightly on the door. The murmuring quietens down and I see the door knob being turned and I am greeted with Caleb.

He smiles at me. I don't smile back.

"Beatrice come in." He frowns and opens the door so I can enter.

As I walk in, I see Mother, Father, the woman and boy from earlier but also joined by Peter who is smirking happily in the corner. Asshole.

"Good morning, Beatrice." Father acknowledges. I nod back and sit in my usual seat.

"What's going on?" I ask in a small voice. My outgoing personality seems to have evaporated and a shy Tris in her place. It feels like these last few days I've just given up hope.

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