•Chapter Twenty-Five•

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After my awkward encounter with I walk back to the living room to find Christina and Will in a very heated conversation with Christina looking shaken up. What happened? I decide not to make my presence known, eager to know what they are talking about.

"What did Peter mean 'Watch your back'? Is he gonna come after us next?" I hear Christina's frantic voice.

"Chris, love, calm down. We are safe. He was just messing with us-" Will tries to comfort her.

"He was just messing with Edward but then the next day he only had one eye!" Christina hisses angrily.

"That was different. He was jealous, what do we have that he's jealous of?" Will tells her.

"A connection to the castle? Friends with the princess? Oh god, what have we got ourselves into?" I frown. I knew she would have second thoughts at some point about being my friend.

"Chris, come on. Tris is one of our friends now and we love her. Don't say stuff like that." Will scolds her.

"I'm sorry. I love Tris just as much as you, I'm just scared. You know kidnapping is in my fear landscape." Christina says looking guilty.

"We'll be okay." Will says and I see him place his hands over hers and I nearly 'Aw' at them.

This is enough, I can't keep eavesdropping it's rude. "Hi guys." I say as I enter the room and I see their heads whips to mine.

"Hey," Christina says smiling but then turns worried. "What...erm...did Al want?"

"He...-" I start but then I realise I don't know what to say, thankfully someone interrupts me.

"I was asking her where the toilet was, that's where I've been." I turn around to see Al stood in the door and I smile tightly at him. He doesn't smile back.


"I'll see you later." Christina says giving me a hug and I laugh at her remembering last time we departed when she told me not to think of it as a goodbye.

I grin. Besides Al confessing his love for me, today has been one of my best days ever. It's now seven o'clock and they said they needed to leave. We pull apart and I walk to Will.

"Come 'ere." Will says and I give him a big hug. When we pull he walks over to Christina and puts his arms around her while glaring behind me. I'm confused until I turn around and see Peter having a heated discussion with Al.

Peter has this confident smirk on as usual and Al looks conflicted with his emotions. He keeps clenching and unclenching his fists over and over again.

"Come on, Al. We need to go." Will calls and Al looks up and walks over to them.

"Bye Al." I say quietly but he still hears me. He turns around and smiles weakly.

"Bye Tris." He whispers and then a guard escorts them out.

I turn and run up the stairs before Peter can say anything creepy and into my room.


The time comes again to go down to the orchard to see Tobias. To say I was excited was an understatement. I want Tobias is hold me and kiss me like there is no tomorrow.

I grab my torch and key and slip my shoes on before closing the door quietly behind me and walking past Peter's room.

As I walk down the corridor I suddenly hear a crash from behind me. What was that?

Panic floods inside me as I grab my torch and shine it behind me.


Am I imagining things? Probably.

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