Chapter 3

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Over the past 3 weeks Ricky and Brooke nearly became inseparable. They hung out everyday after schools, on the weekends, they even talked for over 2 hours on the phone every night, sometimes they would run the phone dead. Brooke found put that Ricky was adopted because both of his parents died from a fire, and that he used to have really bad depression for over a year because of that. Ricky found out that Brooke's birth mom died from breast cancer, but she didn't remember her because the last time she saw her she was 2.

When they hung out they met at "their spot" near the huge tree outside the school. They would invite Alicia and Tiffany to come study and hang with them, they would sometimes. They usually just sat back and watched as they fell in love with each other without them knowing. Ali and Tiffany took the credit for their relationship. Almost every Friday all four of them would play night games at the park. Ali and Tiffany really loved them being together

It was the two days before Brooke had to decided if she wanted a relationship with Ricky, of course she did but she had this feeling that he just wanted to be friends. At the front of the school Ricky spotted Brooke and walked over to her

Ricky: "Hey what's was wrong?"
Brooke: "Its the last two days."
Ricky: (sighed) "Oh right, so what answer are you leaning towards?"
Brooke: "Well, if had a question then maybe I could answer it."
Ricky: "Oh right."
Brooke sat there and waited
Brooke: "Are you going to ask me?"
Ricky: "Not yet, very soon though."
Brooke: "Okay."

They went inside and went to their 1b. Brooke had English and Ricky had football practice. Brooke headed inside her English class and sat down, her teacher explained that there was an assembly today for 4th today, everyone groaned. Brooke loved English because she wanted to be an author someday. It was one of the classes where she actually paid attention.

Brooke's phone started to buzz

*on Brooke's phone*
Your favorite color is red and white right?- Ricky
Yeah... Why?- Brooke
Its a secret- Ricky

2nd and 3rd went by really fast, it was already lunch. Brooke sat at the stairs waiting for Ricky, Alica, and Tiffany; she was reading waiting on them, out no where this girl named Liz pushed her book out of her hand with her foot. Liz was known as the popular girl, the head of the cheerleader, and the girl who had a huge crush on Ricky.

Brooke: "What is your problem Liz?"
Liz: "You, snaking in on my boyfriend"
Brooke: "Okay first he's not your boyfriend you just have a crush on him and second he wants to ask me out."
Liz: " Ricky is going to find out what a pathetic loser you really are then he'll come crawling to me"

Ricky heard all of that and then walked up in front of Brooke.

Ricky: "No I won't, and the only pathetic thing here is that you think that I would ever like someone who is as fake as you, its truly sad, besides I would rather have a girlfriend who is a freak the have one who is fake."

Liz looked at Brooke, then looked back at Ricky rolled her eyes and stormed off with her friends following behind her.

Ricky: "Are okay?"
Brooke: "Yeah, I can't believe you did this though, Thank you."
Brooke hugs him for a while
Ricky: "Yeah, I was happy to do it."
Brooke: "I have a question though, why would you choose me over her? She's so much better."
Ricky: "That's not what I see, I see a beautiful, smart, kind hearted caring person that any guy would be lucky to have. Besides I'm not falling in love with Liz."
Brooke looked at him for a while, not knowing what to do or say or even think, she just stood there cold.
Ricky: " Okay let's go get some lunch."

So they went to Wendy's and ordered almost an entire meal, and talked about random stuff like the sky, garbage, hair, and other random stuff. They heads back to school and headed for their 4th, Brooke was eating a frosty with fries.
The intercom came on telling all the football players, cheerleaders, and drill team to head down to the auditorium. Half the class left, and there was maybe 14 people left. Mr. Martin decided to turn on a Spanish movie until the assembly.

10 minutes later the intercom came back saying that everyone is now free to down to auditorium for the assembly. Brooke waited for Alica to get her stuff, then they headed down to the auditorium. When they got there the auditorium was filled with Brooke's favorite colors. From streamers to balloons to confetti. Brooke was confused as all hell.

The assembly was starting; the assembly was like a welcome back type thing. There was music and challenges and introductions, but the end was still to come. Everyone was not expecting what is going to happen ;-) .

A/N: I hope you guys are enjoying it so far, if not let me know thanks. --Brittaney :)

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