Chapter 8

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Diane stands up and started to scream for help doctors and nurses start flooding in to try and help, one nurse grabs them both to go out so they could work. Brooke and Diane both stood out the door bawling their eyes out as if Ricky's heart wouldn't start up again, they could see one doctor with paddles yelling "clear" he did that about 4 times, then they all heard a beep. They looked and he was stable, they both couldn't help but gasp for air as if they didn't have any while his heart gave out. They doctors did a throe scan to make sure he was really stable. The doctor walked over to them,

Doctor: He's stable for now, but it seems he's slipped into a coma, all we can do now is wait it's all up to him from here on out.

Diane: Okay, thank you doc.

Doctor: Of course 

Brooke: Uh hey, I'm going home to shower then, i'll bring us both breakfast.

Diane: Why don't you get some rest, I'll call you if there is any change I promise.

Brooke: You sure?

Diane: Yeah, get out of here and get some sleep, for the both of us.

Brooke: I'll bring breakfast in the morning, and some coffee.

Diane: Okay, thank you Hun.

Brooke headed toward the exit, pulled out of her phone and called her mom to come get her. She walked in the front and sat there and waited for her, she began to cry thinking what if he didn't wake up? What if he's in the coma for years and years? Would she just have to move on? I'm sure he'd want her to. 5 minutes her mom pulled up to the drive-thru and Brooke got in the car. When they got home, she ate, showered, then headed for bed. 

Brooke's alarm started going off, she got dressed and threw her hair in a pony. She asked her mom to take her Wendy's then hospital. After a 15 minute car ride they finally arrived and Brooke hugged her mom, then headed inside. Brooke found Diane asleep, she tapped her shoulder, she woke up

Diane: Oh hey, Hun

*Brooke hands her a coffee*

Brooke: You look like you needed one, how is he?

Diane: No change unfortunately, how are you?

Brooke: Completely wreaked, can I tell you something that I want to tell him?

Diane: Sure.

Brooke: I'm falling for your son from the moment we met I have, and thing that sucks about that is that I can't tell him when I really want to. He makes me so happy I can't imagine my life- scratch that I don't want to image my life with out him. Even if he never comes out of this coma, I will always love him nothing will ever change that. I promise you that I will love him until my last breath. 
                       ***Diane hugs Brooke***

Diane: Thank you Brooke that means so much to me, and I'm sure he feels the same way about you. You want to know what he said when you said "yes" to being his girlfriend, he said "Mom I can see myself marrying this girl one day, and having cute chubby babies with her, and growing old with her." He told me that was his only goal in life, he wants to graduate with you and marry you and grow old with you, trust me when I say he is so far in love with you, I'm sure he could write 30 libraries filled with how much he loves you. 

                          ***Brooke's eyes were filled with tears***

Brooke: Thank you.


Time Jump

About a year past, Brooke would visit everyday, leave flowers, read the news to him, and just stay with him, everyday she would think the same thought: Today is the day he wakes up. She tell him about her day and how much she wishes he would wake up so they could be together again. She did that for about a year, but she had to focus on school too, It was her Junior year so she studied a lot and focused on what college she wanted to get into, but not for a second did she ever forget about Ricky. When Brooke got to the hospital, doctors and nurses kept going in and out of his room, and Diane finally came out with tears running down her face Brooke saw her, and ran to her saw the tears and she began to panic herself she got to the door and was totally shocked by what she saw....

A/N: Keep reading to find out what happens next chapter :) You tell me: Is he alive or did he die? Leave your thought, comment, or question. Thank you guys for reading my book, you're so amazing :D
                                    /Brittaney <3

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