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Chapter Three

   I wake up early the next morning. I grab some breakfast and head to the bathroom. I'm about to take a shower when you hear laughter and other noises next door again. I remember I promised myself to visit my neighbor.
   "Goddammit." I say as I jump because of the loud noises. I take a shower, put on your clothes which is sweatpants and t-shirt and sneakers with a beanie, and go out and see what the noise is. I walk up to the door and knock loudly. I wait until the door opens.
"Could you keep it done. Some people are trying to..." I say, looking to your left. I turn your head around a see who it is.
"No way....."

Hey guys. I know, god dang cliff hangers. But the good news is that I am going to publish the next chapter today. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bye-bye! And I know it is every short again. I will try to make the chapters long as I said before. But anyways, hope you enjoyed, bye!

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