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Chapter Twelve

   After a long week of constant working, I finally have some free time on my hands. I'm watching youtube when I hear a knock at my door. I open it and Mark is there with something in his hand.
"Here, I know you love to watch youtubers, so I thought you could use this." He hands me a pass that says Pax and, in big letters, backstage pass. I jump up and down and hug Mark.
"Oh uhhh...sorry. I just got excited." I start to blush a deep red.
"It's okay. I don't mind." He blushes too.
"Oh and here is my number if you need me." He hands me his number.
"Thanks, and here's my number too." I get a piece of paper and write down my number on it. I hand it to Mark. He smiles.
"Pax is next weekend if you can go."
"Of course I'll go."
"Okay. Sounds good. I have to make another video. I'll see you later." We say our goodbyes and I close the door. I mark on my calendar for Pax. I wish it's Pax already.

One Long Week Later...

   A week later, I'm heading to Pax. Mark had to go early since he's doing a pannle and meeting up with fans. I get ready and head to Pax.
   I arrive and see many fans and cosplayers. I couldn't wait to see Mark and maybe other youtubers. I head in and look around. Then, my phone dings. I look down and see that Mark has texted me. I start to read it while I'm walking and bump into someone.
"Oh my god. I'm soooo sorry. I should have..." I look up and see that I bumped into Jacksepticeye. I'm stunned. I love to watch Mark and Sean.
"Oh. It's okay." He says in his irish accent. He smiles then leaves for the pannle. I look back to my phone.
   "Hey, it's almost time for the pannel. Just to let you know." I smile. I head toward where the pannle is being held. I take my seat which is in the second row. I wait while for the pannel to start. Then, the pannle begins.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. A lot more things happen here so be prepared. Anyways, hoped you enjoyed! Bye!

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