Let's Get One Thing Straight: I'm Not {13}

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                                                                                ***Max’s POV***

                “…and now things between us are too awkward for my liking,” I said, finishing up my 2 hour description of all my troubles, especially the ones with Noah. “Shit. I feel terrible I just made you listen to all of that Nason,” I said guiltily. Why should I dump my problems on someone else like that? It was mean of me, to say the least.

                But Nason just shook his head. “Don’t bottle that kind of stuff up Maxi. I’m always here to listen, even if I can’t really help much. I say you should try to fix things with Noah before worrying about the Pierce and Andre problem.” I nodded in agreement.

                As for my parents…well, there was nothing Nason could suggest and I didn’t blame him. That was a hard issue.

                “Wait!” Nason cried eagerly. I stared at him curiously. “When my parents were fighting really bad when I was little, they stopped because I got hit by car! It brought them together to take care of me and they stopped fighting because they said they realized how precious family was.”

                I stared at him wide eyed. “You got hit by a car?!” He nodded and sheepishly smiled. “I ran into the road chasing a ball when I was 6. I didn’t get seriously injured or anything though! I had a concussion, broken ankle, broken collar bone, and broken arm. But it hurt because I was so little so I kept screaming and crying.” He laughed.

                He looked at me and stopped laughing. “But don’t you go and get hit by a car! I’m just saying, maybe if you fake being sick or an injury or something they’ll stop fighting for a little. It might blow over or it might not work. Every couple is different.” He shrugged.

                I smiled a little. “It could work. I’ll have to think about it though. I hate tricking my parents or lying to them, even if it’s meant to help them.” Nason offered me a smile. “Understandable. So how do you plan to fix things with Noah? I’ll help you if you need me to.”

                I nodded. “Yea, I might need your help. Just in case things get super awkward.” Great. Now I felt like I was using poor Nason. Why was I such a bad person?

                Nason stood up and cracked his back. We had been sitting in his bedroom the whole time eating chips like the fatass teens we were. Nason smiled and I stood up and cracked my back as well. “Let’s go downstairs and see if my mom made dinner yet. I’m starving!”

                I nodded in hungry agreement and we made our way down to Nason’s kitchen. “Mom! Is dinner ready yet? Max and I are starving!”

                Nason’s mom, Mrs. Brown, was probably the nicest woman I had ever met before. It was easy to tell why Nason was so nice. Mrs. Brown had kind eyes with a hint of deep sadness lurking in them. I saw the same sadness hidden in Mr. Brown’s eyes sometimes. I even noticed it in Nason’s eyes every now and again. It made me wonder, but I felt it would be too rude to ask.

                Mrs. Brown offered us her always kind smile. “I was just about to put dinner on the table Nason. Would you boys mind setting it for me?” “No problem mom!” Nason said happily and handed me the plates while he grabbed the silverware and glasses.

                We set the table and his parents put out the food. We sat down and ate, talking casually. After we ate, Nason and I left the house and made our way to the ice cream place with some money from his parents.

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