Let's Get One Thing Straight: I'm Not {21}

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                Noah and I made our way to Owen’s house together the next day. We knocked on the door of his dad’s house and his dad smiled at us. “Hey boys! Come on in. Owen’s on the couch like a lazy ass.”

                “Dad I got a concussion!” Owen’s voice called in irritation. Mr. Cash laughed and let us in. Owen looked exactly like his dad. The only differences were that Owen was a little shorter and had a nose ring. Owen’s dad also had a little gray starting to show in his hair.

                He led us to the living room where Owen was lying on the couch watching 1,00 Ways to Die. He had a Monster and a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table next to him.

                “Hey guys,” he greeted. “How’s your head?” we asked in concern. Owen shrugged. “It’s alright. My shoulder still hurts pretty bad but I’ll be fine.”

                Mr. Cash grinned. “Had worse down to your head. All those times I dropped you as a baby.” Owen pouted. “Not funny dad considering the fact you actually DID drop me.” Mr. Cash blushed a little. “Oh yea. I forgot about that. Well, you’re alright, so it’s all good!” Owen rolled his eyes.

                “Hey…have you two heard anything on Pierce yet? Is he awake?” Owen asked, concern exploding in his eyes. We shook our heads. “No,” I said with a worried frown.

                “I have,” Mr. Cash said with a sigh. “His dad called me not too long ago Owen. He’s still unconscious. They’re scared for him Owe, but he’ll be alright. I promise,” he said with a soft smile. Owen relaxed very slightly. He trusted his dad and knew his dad wouldn’t lie to him. His dad was a brutally honest kind of guy.

                “I’m just so worried about him. God Max, you and Pierce had us freaking out with all the blood,” he said. “Sorry,” I said. “Jesus Owen, it’s not his fault he passed out,” Mr. Cash said, shaking his head and laughing.

                Owen rolled his eyes at his dad. “Yea, yea, yea. Whatever dad. Go get us some chips.” Mr. Cash left to get chips and Owen sat up to make room for Noah and I.

                “Where’s Nason?” he asked as we sat down. “He’s helping his mom with something at home,” I said with a shrug. “Don’t cut this pig!” Noah screamed. Mr. Cash walked in with the chips and grinned at Noah. “BC13 mother fucker,” he said. Noah grinned right back. “T-T-Totally dude,” he said with a wink. Mr. Cash laughed.

                “When we up in the club, getting freaky with sluts, when we up in the club,” he said and set the chips down for us.

                “You know Noah, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in matching clothes before,” Mr. Cash said, glancing at him and laughing. And it was true. Sometimes I think Noah didn’t even know how to match at all. He was wearing a The Ready Set shirt with shorts that didn’t match at all and mismatched socks.


                Noah shrugged. “At least I wear clothes!” he said happily. “Just ashamed of your small penis,” Owen said. Noah stuck his tongue out at him. “You’re the one with the small penis!” Mr. Cash laughed and slung an arm around Owen. “We Cash men happen to be quite large Noah.” Owen laughed. “Damn straight!”

                They all looked at me and I shrugged innocently. “Bruce.” Owen laughed. “Oh. I named mine Bigote,” Noah said with a bright smile. “Noah…doesn’t that mean mustache?” I asked. Noah nodded. “Uh…why?” Noah smiled. “Because I like mustaches!” I rolled my eyes. Noah was so weird sometimes.

                “Does she have a soul? Man I don’t even know. All I know is that she fucks like an animal,” Noah started singing. “No, no, no. Strawberry Angel Cake is so much better!” I argued. “Oh yea? I GOT A LOVE LIKE WOE!” he cried.

                I rolled my eyes. “Hey! Alesana is playing next week and my mom bought tickets. You guys down?” I asked eagerly. “Yea!” Noah cheered. “Hell yea!” Owen cried. “I don’t know Owe…with the whole concussion thing…your mom will murder me if you get hurt. Even if that dick made her a massive bitch, she still cares about you more than she admits,” Mr. Cash said.

                Owen shrugged. “Who gives a fuck? If I want to go to the concert I’ll go. I don’t give a shit about her. As long as you’re cool with it dad.” Mr. Cash shrugged. “We’ll see,” he said, probably knowing that Owen would sneak out to go anyways. Like father like son.

                We put on Sweeney Todd and watched it.

                                                                                ***The Next Day***

                We walked into Pierce’s hospital room. He was awake. His dad had told us we could visit. He didn’t tell us if Pierce had amnesia though.

                Pierce glanced at us. He had a bandage wrapped around his head due to the cuts on it. “Hey guys,” he greeted. Noah, Owen, and I relaxed instantly. “Pierce! Your hard head is okay!” Owen cheered.

                Mr. Harts sat next to Pierce smiling widely. “And the doctor said he can go home tomorrow!” he said happily. I could see the bruises under his eyes. He probably hadn’t left Pierce’s side since the accident.

                “Car’s a fucking wreck though,” Pierce said with a sigh. “Pierce, language,” his dad said sternly. “Sorry dad,” Pierce said with a slight shrug.

                “But yea, it’s mad destroyed where the car hit. The side Max was sitting on. Then we slammed that pole. Wrecked it.” Pierce frowned. “I liked my car.” “Well I happen to like my son more than his car, so be thankful the car got wrecked and not you,” Mr. Harts said, shaking his head.

                We began to talk and told Pierce about the concert. “I don’t know Pierce. We’ll see how you’re doing. I don’t want you jumping into a mosh pit if you’re head is still hurt,” Mr. Harts said nervously.

                His dad reached down to grab something and Pierce winked at us. Ah. Pierce would sneak out too to go. I nearly grinned. Oh, this concert should be interesting.

Let's Get One Thing Straight: I'm Not [boyxboy sequel]Where stories live. Discover now