Let's Get One Thing Straight: I'm Not {17}

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Sorry!! I didn't mean to leave you guys with the cliffhanger yesterday ahaha blame Irene. I went to a friend's house and when I got home, the bitch knocked out my power -.-


                                                                                ***Noah’s POV***

                “Dammit, dammit, DAMMIT!” I shrieked as we made our way back towards Pierce’s car. Max’s parents had no clue where he was and damn were they freaking out.

                “I knew this was a bad idea!” I cried as we got in the car. Owen was sickly pale. “And just to make things worse, Brent uploaded that stupid video!” Pierce snapped, showing us his phone. “Damn,” I grumbled, burying my face in my hands.

                “Guys, we’ve got to find him. God only knows how much pain he’s in right now,” Nason whispered. Pierce had asked Nason if he truly liked Max. Nason had nodded eagerly, and Pierce had kissed him. After Max ran off and Pierce explained everything, I basically tried to kill Andre. My dad kicked him out of the house after we told him everything.

                “Oh my…I think I know where he is,” I choked out, praying I was dead wrong. I told Pierce where to drive and he drove as fast as he dared.

                “There he is!” I cried, pointing at the figure standing on top of the roof. “Try to talk him out of it while I go up there,” I snapped at them as we exited the car. I raced to get up there.

                “Max! Don’t do it!” I heard Pierce scream. Max wouldn’t listen to them. I knew that. But maybe they could distract him long enough for me to get up there and drag his dumbass down.

                I ran as fast as I could to get up to that damn roof we loved to go to when we had problems. I emerged on it and sprinted at Max as he slowly began to bend his knees to jump. “MAX!” I shrieked and tackled him to the roof. I held him there as he struggled.

                His struggles died as he started to cry. I hugged him tightly. My best friend. My best friend that I now knew I was in love with. “I’m sorry Noah!” he sobbed. “Don’t be. Just don’t EVER do this again,” I whispered, holding him as tight as I dared to without hurting him.

                Make it stop

                Let this end

                All these years pushed to the ledge

                “Andre made Pierce kiss Nason to break you guys up. I…I wanted to tell you we set it up. When you ran out of my house. I’m so sorry Maxi.” He sniffed and wiped at his eyes.

                “I just couldn’t take it anymore,” he whimpered. “It’s all gonna be okay Maxi. I won’t let those fuckers mess with you anymore,” I promised him.

                I didn’t want to let myself imagine what would have happened if we had been even a few seconds later. Max jumping…god I just couldn’t think about it. I would’ve jumped after him.

                I held him for a few more minutes. “Max…we should get you home,” I said softly. As much as I wanted to kiss him, he needed Nason. Nason was his boyfriend, not me. I had dumped him and he had moved on. It hurt me to watch, but it was my fault.

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