Let's Get One Thing Straight: I'm Not {19}

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                                                                                ***Noah’s POV***

                The car slammed us and we all screamed. The car spun and hit a telephone pole before stopping. My heart was hammering. “Is everyone okay?” Nason’s scared voice after a couple seconds of silence.

                “Yea. Yea, I’m okay,” I said quietly. “Owen?” “I think I popped my shoulder out of place, but other than that I’m fine,” he whimpered. “Max?” We waited and panic rose in me. “Max? Pierce?” we cried.

                Oh god.

                Pierce’s head was resting against the window of his car door. Blood dripped down it. Max’s head rested on the seat. Blood was slowly seeping through his shirt. I looked over and realized Nason had blood seeping through his pant leg.

                “Nason!” I cried in alarm. “I know. It’s just a cut Noah,” he choked out, staring in horror at Pierce. I realized he probably couldn’t see Max from his angle. Good.

                I glanced out the window and saw people gathering on their cell phones, probably dialing 911. I couldn’t get out of the car. Nason’s leg was bleeding too badly. I didn’t want him to move. And Owen was definitely more hurt than he was letting on. Plus, I had smashed my knee when we hit the telephone pole. I didn’t want to move.

                I heard sirens approaching and glanced at Pierce and Max. “Hang in there Pierce and Max,” I whispered, terror coursing through me at the sight of all the blood.

                                                                                ***Max’s POV***

                I had no idea how long I had been unconscious. I heard sirens somewhere close by. “Hang in there Pierce and Max,” I heard Noah’s terrified voice whispering. I heard car doors being opened.

                Someone was picking me up. Agony rocketed through my body and I heard a weird noise. Me. It was me. I was screaming. Someone was carrying me.

                I passed out again.

                When I woke up, I was in a hospital room. “MAX!” I heard my mom’s voice scream. Her sobbing figure wrapped her arms around me tightly. “Oh my god Maxwell,” she sobbed. I looked up weakly and saw my dad with tears in his eyes.

                “Thank god you’re okay Maxwell,” he whispered before wrapping his arms around me, the tears falling down his face. “What happened?” I asked.

                “A drunk driver crashed into Pierce’s car. The car spun into a telephone pole. You and Pierce were in the worst conditions. Neither of you were conscious. Pierce slammed his head on the window of the car door. He’s not looking too good,” dad whispered, still holding me.

                There was a knock on my hospital door before Noah’s mom came in. Her eyes were puffy and red and it was obvious she had been crying hard.

                “Oh Maxwell! You’re okay!” she whispered, her eyes watering. “When I got the call that you kids were all in the hospital…oh god,” she cried.

                “How’s Noah?” I asked in concern. She wiped her eyes. “He’ll be okay. He hurt his knee but it’s nothing too bad. He’s with my husband right now.”

                “How about Owen and Nason?” I asked anxiously. “Owen hit his head, not nearly as hard as Pierce did, and got a slight concussion. He also hurt his shoulder. Nason got a gash in his leg but he’ll be okay,” Mrs. Hottie said, wiping her eyes again.

                “What…what happened to me?” I asked, realizing I had no clue what was wrong with me. I shuddered at the thought of the agony that had caused me to pass out.

                “You broke your arm,” mom whispered before crying again. My eyes widened and I looked down to finally notice the cast on my arm. Jesus how had I not noticed that?!

                “Yea, and you had a nasty gash in your arm,” dad said, nodding at where a bandage was tightly wrapped around my upper arm. Mom gently began to stroke my hair as she cried.

                “Oh my poor baby. Thank god you’re okay,” she choked out. Even dad started crying again. “When they called us and said you’d been in a car accident and that you were unconscious…oh god,” he sobbed. “I’m so sorry Maxwell! I’m so sorry about the way I’ve been treating you!”

                I laid back, feeling overwhelmed. How could this have happened? “Is Pierce conscious?” I asked in concern. Mrs. Hottie bit her lip. “No Max. He’s not,” she said at last. Fear exploded through me. “You said he wasn’t looking too good. What did you mean?”

                “He hit his head really hard Max. He cut his ear open and got a bad concussion. They’re concerned he may have memory loss when he wakes up.” Oh god. Pierce.

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