Let's Get One Thing Straight: I'm Not {25}

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Hey everyone. Sorry for lack of updates and whatnot, but I'm a junior in high school and homework's a bitch. I barely have time to get on the computer. I read/reply to things off my iPod. THIS IS NOT THE LAST CHAPTER. THERE WILL BE MORE. Lolololol just thought I'd point that out. Okay, enjoy :)


                “CREIGH! NO!”  Noah screamed. We laughed at him. “No! Daddy stop!” Noah begged. His dad rolled his eyes at Noah and turned the hose he was holding so that it sprayed Noah instead of his chalk drawing of a unicorn named Creigh.

                “Ah! I’M MELTING!” Noah shrieked. “Oh shut up Noah,” his dad said, laughing and spraying him in the face. He turned the hose back to finish washing his car and Noah came over to me and shook his hair, getting me wet.

                “Ah! Noah!” I whined. He grinned. His hair now clung to his face. The black of his hair made his eyes stand out. They sparkled like the water drops on his face. I was hypnotized by them until the sun glinted off his lip ring and made me blink in surprise at the brightness.

                Noah ran his hands through his hair, making it stick up at odd angles. “Aw! Look at lil non racist Noah!” Pierce cheered. “Huh?” Noah asked curiously. “Your hair. It’s black at white. Like the melting pot of America!”

                Noah pouted. “It’s black and blond!” he whined. I laughed. “Better re-dye it Noah. The blond’s starting to fade.” “NO!” Noah cried in horror. “I’M TOO LAZY TO RE-DYE MY HAIR!” We laughed at him more as he clutched his hair desperately.

                Noah’s natural hair color was dirty blond. He had dyed it bright blond when he was 13 and added in the black when he was 14. Pierce had died his hair when he was 14. Owen and I were the only ones with our natural hair color.

                “Grab the chalk and let’s go already,” Owen said. We were going to his house to babysit the brat and hang out. Noah grabbed the bucket of chalk we had found in his garage and we started walking. We figured we’d distract the brat with chalk.

                Nason held my hand as we walked and I felt guilty as my eyes shifted to Noah. “Max?” I jumped a little. “Yea Nason?” “Are you okay?” I forced myself to smile and nod. “Yea!” I lied pleasantly. He gave me a doubtful look but didn’t say anything else.

                We made it to Owen’s house and Owen dragged the brat outside to their driveway. “We got you chalk to draw with,” Owen grumbled. “Gimme!” the brat demanded. Owen glared and threw the chalk at the brat. Ian yelped as the box hit him. “Fuck you!” he screamed at Owen before grabbing a piece of chalk, sitting down, and drawing.

                “Hey! Get back here!” Owen snapped as their cat, Gary, headed towards the road. He roughly picked the cat up and it gave a yowl of anger. “Oh shut up,” Owen grumbled and set the cat down in the driveway. It walked over to Ian and curled up next to him to sleep.

                “I wanna draw a kitty! Gimme that chalk ya brat!” Noah cried and grabbed some chalk from Ian. “Hey!” Ian cried angrily. “Oh, you have more!” Owen said and kicked a piece at him. “I don’t like you Owen!” Ian whined.

                “And I don’t like you. Or your dad. So go play in traffic,” Owen said and sat down in the shade with Pierce, Nason and I. We watched the brat and Noah draw on the driveway as we relaxed.

                “Seriously Owen…just don’t have children. Make sure you always use a condom,” I said. “I always do,” he said with a wink. I rolled my eyes and Owen chuckled. “What? I don’t want a kid when I’m a teenager. Jesus Christ, I hate kids. I’d probably drown the little fucker.”

                Pierce laughed. “I could just see you as a dad. You’d be in jail in no time Owen.” Owen pouted. “I would make a wonderful father! If the brat got annoying, I’d teach it to shut up.”

                We laughed at him. I rested my head on Nason’s shoulder. “Guys! LOOK AT MY PUSSY!” Noah screamed eagerly. We got up and went over to look at the cat. It looked as if it had been drawn by a 2 year old.

                “Its name is Creigh the 2nd…since my dad had to brutally murder Creigh!” He frowned. “Maxi! Look!” the brat called. For some reason, he had taken a liking to me. I walked over to him and looked at his drawing of Squidward, which was 10 times better than the cat Noah had drawn.

                “It’s really good Ian,” I said. Ian glanced at the cat and eagerly reached for its tail. He grabbed its tail and gave a hard yank. The cat screeched in surprise before jumping up and trying to get away from Ian. “Let Gary go you fucktard!” Owen snapped, shoving the brat off of Gary.

                The brat fell backwards and started screaming. Owen sighed and roughly picked him up. “I’ll be right back guys. Gotta shut the kid up. Come help me Pierce.” Pierce hurried after Owen to help him shut the brat up.

                “I’ll be right back Max. I have to use the bathroom,” Nason said and kissed me before going into Owen’s house.

                “Well, that was interesting,” Noah said. “MY MILKSHAKES BRING ALL THE BOYS TO THE YARD!” he started singing. I rolled my eyes. “Noah, I  get laid to the sound of your voice.” “I get people laid. It’s a fact.”

                We laughed together. “Want to stroke my pussy?” Noah asked with a wink. I shook my head. “Gay, remember?” “Oh! Let me fix that!” He drew a penis on the cat and nodded. “There you go Maxi!”

                I nodded in approval and he smiled proudly. But his smile slipped to a frown. “Uh…Max…look, I need to say something. Okay, I’m so happy that you’re happy with Nason and everything. But…I really like you Max. Maybe even love. And I just want to apologize for…cheating…on you. I know it hurt you. I’m so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. You’re my best friend. I hope Nason makes you as happy as he seems to.”

                I smiled weakly. “I love you Noah,” I found myself whispering. We moved in and pressed our lips together gently. God how I had missed that. We pulled away and I noticed that Noah was blushing. Noah rarely blushed.

                I violently battled the guilt rising in me. Oh god. I would have to have a serious conversation with Nason. I was a terrible person for cheating on him like this. I would confess though. I would try to make it up to him as best as I could.

                And I would make sure I stayed with Noah, the boy I loved.

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