Let's Get One Thing Straight: I'm Not {16}

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                                                                                ***Max’s POV***

                I was surprised. Andre had been pretty friendly and hadn’t tried anything yet. That didn’t mean that he wouldn’t. But maybe he had really changed. Maybe he was really trying to be nice.

                “3 bottles down now we high and barely functioning!” Noah was screaming along with My Sc3n3 by 4Dbling. Nason, Owen, and I sat on the couch watching in amusement. Pierce and Andre were sitting on the floor with Noah.

                “Maxi hit a verse!” Noah screamed, pointing at me. “I take them drugs and get fucked up?” I said with a shrug. “That’s not even the same song!” Noah whined. I grinned. “Hey Noah…I just woke up and Taylor Swift’s pissing in my mouth.”

                Noah pouted. “I hate him,” he grumbled. I laughed. “Who doesn’t?” “Stupid people! That’s who!” Noah cried. “Jeffree Star…he doesn’t even sing!” Noah despised Jeffree Star. So did I. His music was just embarrassing.

                “But Blood On The Dance Floor is just as terrible and you guys love them,” Nason pointed out. “You love them too!” I said, rolling my eyes. He nodded. “I do. But they’re terrible. Same thing with DDC and Brokencyde…I like them, but I know they’re shitty.” He smiled at me. “I like shitty music.”

                “You like I Set My Friends On Fire! They’re not shitty,” I argued. Owen laughed. “Good band right there!” “I like shitty music! Not all of the music I like is shitty though!” Nason said, sticking his tongue out at me.

                “Well I like Spongebob. And now that we’re men…WE HAVE FACIAL HAIR!” Noah cried. “And now that we’re men…I CHANGE MY UNDERWEAR!” I cried right back. We all laughed.

                I leaned over and randomly kissed Nason. He kissed me back lovingly and I pulled away after a minute with a smile on my face. Nason always made me feel so happy. He took my hand in his and I rested my head on his shoulder.

                “Hey Nason, come here quick. I have to talk to you,” Pierce said, waving him over. Nason curiously got up and followed Pierce upstairs. “Ah…we should go up too. My tummy has the rumbles only hands can satisfy…or something like that,” Noah said and jumped up.

                We made our way upstairs and Noah gave us all ice cream. I glanced out at Noah’s backyard. He had a sliding glass door that led out there and through it, I could see Pierce and Nason talking. Nason had his usual happy smile.

                Nason smiled wider nodded eagerly and Pierce smiled and leaned in. He kissed Nason and I quickly looked away in hurt. Andre started coughing and I looked over to see him choking on his ice cream. He must’ve been watching too. “Pierce!” he cried angrily.

                Noah and Owen had their eyes wide. I got up slowly. “I’m going home,” I whispered and quickly made my way to Noah’s front door. “Max wait! Max, come back! I need to talk to you!” Noah cried. I slammed the door in his face and took off down the street running. I didn’t want to talk.

                I ran until I was out of breath and then I walked the rest of the way home. Tears gathered in my eyes. I had been cheated on again. But this time it was Nason kissing Pierce. How could they do that me?!

                I stormed into my eyes, my eyes still watering violently. I fought back the tears desperately. “Maxwell! What’s wrong?” mom cried. “Nason cheated on me with Pierce,” I whimpered. “Oh will you get the hell over it Max! They are boys! You’re a boy! For Christ’s sake, DATE A FRIGGIN GIRL!” dad roared.

                Mom glared in disgust. “For Christ’s sake, HAVE SOME COMPASSION FOR YOUR SON WHEN HE’S UPSET!” she shrieked. And so the screaming began again. I raced upstairs to my room and signed on my computer.

                It brought up my facebook and the tears finally exploded out of my eyes. Brent. He had put up the video of the girls kissing me in school that day they bullied me. No one had cared about me then either.

                What was wrong with me? Why didn’t anyone like me? God I was so fucking sick of this. This was it. This was the snapping point. The breaking point. The point where I just couldn’t fucking take it anymore. A rush of emotions exploded in me and wiped my eyes furiously. That was it. I was so done with this game we called life. I was sick and tired of it all. Sick of the broken home. Sick of loneliness I felt. Sick of being stabbed in the back by people I trusted. Sick of all of the bullying.

                I stood up and slammed my laptop shut. I angrily made my way downstairs. “SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!” I screamed at my parents before slamming the front door. I hopped on my bike and peddled my way to my dad’s work office. It was a tall building and one that Noah and I liked to sit on the roof of when we wanted to have a serious talk.

                I made my way to the top of the building and looked down from the roof. Below me, the streets were fairly silent with only a few cars speeding by. Perfect.

                Time to say goodbye to the pain.

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