Let's Get One Thing Straight: I'm Not {26}

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Sorry, again, for lack of updates. But, for anyone that has an account on omgpop.com, add meee :) ddcjennaaa420 <--- ;DD Lolololol okay onto the story :pp


                                                                ***Owen’s POV***

                No, no, NO! I had seen them kiss through the window. GOD DAMMIT. This was NOT fair. Why did Noah get to be with Max after everything he had put him through?! I would treat Max so much better than Noah ever could!

                “Owen, where’s my juice?” the brat demanded. God I could just kill him. Why didn’t his bastard of a father just use a fucking condom that night? It would’ve made my life so much easier.

                Instead, I now got neglected so that my stupid mom could raise her new son “right”. Ha. What a joke. All she did was spoil him while Will fucked him up.

                “Up your ass!” I snapped. “Jesus Owen, what’s got you in a mood?” Pierce asked. “Max!” I found myself yelling. Great. I slapped my hand over my mouth as I watched a furious look explode in Pierce’s eyes.

                “What the hell did Max ever do to you? He’s the one that got you out of a broken home as often as he could.” “I know, I know,” I said quietly. “I just…ya know.” “No. I don’t know. Is there something you need to tell me Owen?” he asked suspiciously.

                “Uh…like me having a crush on Max?” I squeaked. “Get near him and I’ll slay you Owen. I’m in love with him! You know that!” “You’ve been sleeping around again Pierce! I thought you were getting over him!” “No! I’ve been trying and you know it hasn’t been working!” “Well Noah has his heart because Noah’s fucking perfect.”

                Pierce glared and sighed. “It’s my fault,” he said quietly. “I broke them up. I sent Mickey after Noah and that’s why he cheated on Max. I didn’t think Max would get a new boyfriend.” My turn to sigh. “My fault. I let Lacey hook him up with Nason.”

                We glanced at each other and laughed weakly. “We’re too close for this man. Let’s let Max date whoever he chooses and not interfere.” I nodded at Pierce and glanced at the brat. He was sucking his thumb on the ground. I yanked his thumb out of his mouth. “Stop it!” I snapped and dragged him outside with Pierce.

                My mom’s car pulled into the driveway about an hour later after Pierce and I had suffered watching Max and Noah all happy together. Max had pulled Nason aside for about a half hour and talked to him very seriously. Nason and Max were still close, even though they had just broken up so that Max and Noah could get back together.

                “Hey baby,” mom said with a bright smile as Ian ran to her. She leaned down and picked him up, lovingly kissing him. “Mommy Owen gave me chalk,” he said and pointed at the drawings he had done. “Aw, well that was nice of your brother,” she said, her smile getting wider. Half-brother, I thought bitterly.

                Mom took the brat over so that he could show off his shitty drawings. I glanced at Max. He and Noah were smiling and talking with Nason.

                                                                                ***Max’s POV***

                Back with Noah. Nason didn’t hate me. Everything was so perfect. That night, Noah and I went to his house and watched The Lion King 3 together. We cuddled as movie went on, smiling at the irony of the hardships Kovu and Kiara faced to be together.

                “Max, I love you. Really love you,” Noah whispered as the credits of the movie came on. We smiled and kissed deeply. “And I really love you too Noah,” I whispered. We put on the Fox and the Hound and I felt myself getting emotional as Goodbye May Seem Forever started to play.

                Noah held me close and kissed me, making me smile lightly. I always got emotional at that part. “Come on Maxi. You need to cheer up!” he said once that movie had ended. “But I thought we were watching Peter Pan?” I said curiously.

                Noah shook his head furiously. “Gross! I hate that movie. Peter’s an ass.” I laughed as he dragged me up to his room and put on Stupid Boy by T Mills.

                We danced like retards as Noah sang along. “I’M NOT LOOKING FOR MY ONE I’M LOOKING FOR MY RIGHT NOW!” he sang along. We sat down on his bed and he smiled at me. I smiled back and we kissed. It quickly turned into a make out and we fell back on his bed.

                “Noah!” his dad called and we jumped away and blushed a little. “Y-Yea dad?” Noah called back and cleared his throat. “Max’s dad is here!” We laughed a little. “Okay!” Noah called. We hugged and kissed again before I left his house. 

Let's Get One Thing Straight: I'm Not [boyxboy sequel]Where stories live. Discover now