My Baby Girl and My Baby Boy

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I look up at him through half closed eye lids as he stared down at me giving me a smirk. I yawn and stretched my arms above my head.

"Why are you on top of me?" I say through another yawn. He doesn't answer me instead he leans down and smashes his lips again mine instantly waking me up.

I respond by wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him closer and running my fingers through his messy black hair. His lips leave mine and make their way slowly down my neck leaving a trail of kisses.

I run my fingers across his stomach while pulling his shirt up. He does the same to me. "Wahhhhhh." I hear a cry from the room next to us. Percy stops and rests head against my stomach, his breathing heavy like mine.

I slowly get out of bed while pulling him with me and together we go into the room next to us.
The walls are a light blue which Percy insisted on getting and there is a crib, a dresser, a diaper changing station and a rock chair in the room. There was also a tiny baby no more than one year old.

I walk over towards the baby girl and pick her up while shushing her while rocking her back and forth. I feel Percy snake his arms around my waist and rest his head on my shoulder so he can watch our baby girl with me. I smile down at her.

She's the cutest little thing. Seagreen eyes like her father's, a cute little button nose and small little blonde hair coming out from on top of her head like mine.

She looked exactly like a mixture of us. I lean down and kiss her forehead. "She's a handful isn't she?" Percy whispers so he doesn't wake the now sleeping baby in my arms.

"Yes but she's worth it and so will he when he comes." I whisper back.

"I can't wait until he comes." He says kissing my stomach where my baby boy is. I smile and set her back down in her crib and we go back to our bedroom together.

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